Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Do you want to know what really nice about today? What's special and different from other days? Well I'll tell you. Today I thought I'd try something different and wear wet clothes instead of dry ones. I'm not enjoying it much. Actually what happened was my drink bottle leaked on my work clothes on the way to the gym and so my clothes got all wet. Now I could have changed my wet top when I got home from the gym (and in retrospect that would have been an intelligent thing to do) however that would have interrupted my morning ritual of eating and watching cartoons. Anyway I did change my socks... and my top isn't that wet really. I just noticed it walking into work, maybe the cold air empahsized the wetness.

Also aren't personal associations you make in your head interesting? Personally I very frequently go through intense periods of listening to certain songs or CDs. And so I associate the songs or albums to a specific memory from that time oh and also people. For example:

Live - The Distance to Here - driving from Port Underwood to Picton
Pearl Jam - Hail Hail - For some reason I can't remember it reminds me of Dunedin
RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik - on holiday with my friends at Akaroa in the summer after 7th form
RHCP - One Hot Minute - Reminds me of walking around the Hill at Church Bay
Pearl Jam - Off he goes - the first time I fell in love
John Frusciante - Shadows Collide with people - falling in love the second time
The Mars Volta - Some of the Deloused songs and the Tremulant EP - house sitting for my Granddad when I was in 3rd year cosc and Lara
Led Zeppelin - II - Driving to Lake Selfe for a camping holiday

There's also thousands more... but those were just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. And I'm guessing in the future I'll associate any REM song with being here at work! It's nice because I always make positive associations. I'm always happy to be reminded of the time/place/person again.

:-) M


Anonymous said...

i always associate a kind of magic with driving from picton to port underwood

Mindy said...

When I hear invisible man I always think of you (Amy) and me in the back seat (of the falcon) on the way to Picton.

Anonymous said...

yeah so do I minnie!

Mindy said...


And Adam there's a gap with women! There's 23,800 more women than men in the 30-something age group in New Zealand. Look here. So I'd bet there's a ton of women in a gap right now.

Mindy said...

Oh I just got how my "you and me in the back seat" comment could be misinterpreted. Duh! Amy (my sis) and I were probably about 6 and 8 and we made up this dance, we were in the backseat because Mum and Dad were in the front seats driving.