Monday, January 30, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hello Everyone,

I have a lot of news. And I was going to post photos today but something terrible happened so I'm not in the mood. Bubbles died. I don't know how, I was talking on the phone and looked in the tank and she was floating upside down :( It was awful, just terrible. Darren tried to revive her by jiggling her round a bit but she just wouldn't ressurrect (I don't know where her loyalty to me is!). So then he chopped her up and fed her to one of his plants. I guess we may as well not waste her. But this morning I saw he'd left her wee head on the window sill, obviously trying to rile me up. Sigh. Maybe I will bury it in the garden. Yes I think so.

Also this morning I was watching TV (Johnny Bravo) and there was a knock at the door, so I go to see who it is, and there's a calling card from a courier! They didn't even wait for me to open the door! Stupid man, I ran out after his van and waved my arms and yelled but he just ignored me. Anyway it's getting redelivered tomorrow... I bet you it's my computer stuff! Woo!

Also yesterday I got my cycle computer. So last night (before I was in mourning) I was biking all around the place measuring how far I was going, and how fast. I'm not very fast, I'd say my average crusing speed is 22.4km/h which is pretty damn slow. But then again a lot faster than running or walking! And I did get up to 30km/h when I was trying hard. And I biked to work this morning and that's 3.68km, so that's really not very far at all!

I hope there's more computer bits waiting for me when I get home. Oh no! I just realised it's forecast to change to a southerly so it'll probably rain. Looks like I'll be biking home in the rain. Oh well! At least it's only 3.68km!


Thursday, January 26, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Well I did it! And loved it! I biked to work this morning. It took me a grand total of 10 minutes (I'd allowed half an hour) biking really is a lot faster than walking!

And this isn't my helmet it's just a random helmet I found on google as it's on topic. But in other exciting news I'll probably be getting my photos from the weekend developed over the weekend and will try and scan some and post them up.

Oh yeah I haven't written about the weekend! It was AWESOME! The Big Day Out was great... Darren loved it too, and it was great to have a wonderful boydguard in the mosh pit. Which brings me to the point I am getting older, or maybe just lazier, as I only partook in one mosh pit this big day out (the Mars Volta of course!) they just dono't appeal to me as much anymore. Plus I'm short so I still can't really see even when I'm right up the front. I actually have a better chance when I'm a wee way back. So the Mars Volta were absolutely brilliant, 6 thumbs up, I can't believe how good they are. Other stand out acts were Shihad (despite confusing me by wishing everyone a Happy New Years Eve!), and the Living End.

Also it was SO SO SO nice seeing Lara. I had a few dramas over the weekend including losing my wallet (which had the tickets in it) and it was ncie to have her hugs. But I found the wallet! Well more accurately it got handed in to the police. And we went to Karekare beach (I think that's how it's spelt) and it was lovely. It's been ages since I've just spent a day at the beach.

Also Darren and I went to Rainbow's End and went on all the rides and had a great time. Once I got over feeling a bit sick. Honestly some of the scary rides don't scare me they just give me motion sickness.

Right well I'd really really better get to work now.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hi there,

I stayed up too late last night and now I'm tired. And by too late I mean 11.10pm, which really isn't that late at all. But the rabbit woke me up this morning. Stupid rabbit. So I went out to check on it, and there was a huge white tail spider crawling in the hutch. I hope the rabbit didn't get bitten. I'm not sure there's anything I could do if it did.

Also I'm going to start biking to work. Now I'm quite excited about this. I borrowed a bike off Mum and Dad's (it's one they found in the pond at Jellie Park) and even went and bought a helmet yesterday at lunch time in preparation for the big day today. But Darren took his car to work this morning, and the garage key is with his car keys so I couldn't get into the garage to get the bike. Which is sad.

Also my computer died for a second time last night. I was playing a game and it just crashed and won't turn on again now. So that is sad as well.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Big Day Out

Originally uploaded by Omfu.

Well sorry I haven't updated yet this week. I was sick on Monday and lazy on Tuesday. Luckily today is Wednesday and everything seems to be in order.

So I'm going to the Big Day Out! Lucky me! I'm going to watch the Mars Volta, and some other bands. I'm going with Darren and Andrew and it will be great!

In terms of other news I'm a little low. Um. I had Mum and Dad, Amy and Tom, and Claire round for tea on Sunday night and it was lovely. We had spag and meatballs.

I'm also going through a bran muffin phase at the moment.

My training for the City to Surf hasn't been going at all this week with me being sick on Monday and not feeling 100% still and I doubt it's going to improve much as I'll be in Auckland soon. But come Tuesday and I'll be back into it!

The fish are all doing great. The shark is ALWAYS chasing the platies, but he seems to leave the neons alone which is good as they are tiny and probably can't swim as fast as him, but the platies seem to get away ok. I've named some more now.

So the shark is called Kirsty, the biggest neon is called Tim, the smallest neon is called Bridget the midget, and the girl platy is called Bubbles. I need names for the big fat male platy and the little scrawny but colourful male platy still.

so yeah I leave for Auckland tomorrow afternoon and get back Monday night. Woo! And I get to see Lara!! Yay!!

Hope you are all well.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Additions

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Well I don't have much to write today except to annouce the addition of three new fish to our tank... these are pictured above. They're called platies and they're very cute. Actually our ones are yellow rather than red like in the picture but have similar spots etc.

Another important announcement is that Kirsty the Shark is actually a male. Which is both good and bad news - although I'm not sure why. Actually maybe it's just good news.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Well it's raining in Christchurch today. And despite this I am in a terrible mood I had such an aweful dream last night. It really scared me a lot and even though I know it was just a dream I just really can't shake it. It was quite an involved long dream which various people and scenes... but mostly it involved me screaming at people pretty much against my will... totally pushing Darren away because of this... and eventually it turned out that the devil was inside me. Pretty intense for a dream. I think we got it out but by then I think everyone hated me.

Also my shark is doing ok... I'm not sure what their normal habits are but she seems to like being in the far back corner of the tank. Also in our cave which is slightly disturbing as I keep thinking she's dead since I can't find her.

Oh I don't want to work today, I feel completely exhausted after that dream and not rested at all.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Right so today at lunchtime (hopefully hopefully hopfeully) I'm giong to go and get one of these fellas. He's a rainbow shark and he should put our tetras in their place!

Other than my fish I don't have too much news. I went for a walk last night and sat down for awhile and watched the ducks in the pond and ducks really are quite funny. What I found particularly amusing was when the bobbed down for food and lent so far forward that their feet came out of the water... I thought they were going to do a rolly polly.

Almost halfway through the week!


Our Fish

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
This is a picture of the fish we currently have in our tank. Well this is a picture off google of the breed of fish we currently have in our tank. Our ones are much cuter! Although I definitely think they need some company as they're getting a bit cocky zipping around like they own the place.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
I'm back! And boy do I have a lot of news. But unfortunately a limited lunch break so I will do my best.

- Christmas was super awesome! Darren TOTALLY spoiled me :)
- We went up to Port Underwood after Christmas for new years with Mum, Dad, Amy and Claire.
- The weather was almost perfect the whole time.
- Did some fishing, I caught a spottie (and threw it back and it lived).
- Did a bit of waterskiing, and met up with this lovely creature known as a sunfish (picture above courtesty of google, this isn't the actual one we saw). They are huge and very ugly but also kinda cute.
- New Years was nice and quiet.
- Went for quite a few walks in the forest as well, a good escape from the heat of the day.
- Got back to Christchurch on Wednesday last week.
- Finally got some fish for the tank! 6 little neon tetras, they are doing splendidly and are very happy in their new home.
- Darren also considerably extended his carnivorous plant collection, I'm not sure how many plants we have, but we have at least 7 different breeds.
- I made a skirt and it's great.
- And the new house is going great, I love living there.

And that will have to be all for now. Hope you are all happy and had a great festive season.
