Monday, August 15, 2005

I was Right!

See there wasn't a frost last night, a lot of dew yes, but not a proper frost. All because my car was parked under cover.

Anyway yesterday I had lunch with Kon and Nick - which was great! I hadn't seen either of them in ages so it was very nice. And then after dinner I went round to Kim's and caught us with her, Lennon, Rach and Bridget briefly. Bridge is down from Nelson for a course, so was great to see her too!

Well here's a funny picture Kirsty sent me although I can't figure out why the female didn't go into Gap. I would have. Maybe. I'm not too clued up about American clothing stores though. In fact if I went to a mall the shop I'd most often go to would be the games shop - and that's because Darren drags me in there. Other than that the Warehouse. And maybe a longing gaze at a jewelry shop window. So there you go.


LaraCroft said...

The weirdest thing...
Neither the boy or the girl leave the mall.

Mindy said...

Yeah the guy is screwed because he must pretty much have to spend the rest of his life in Gap. And also I watched this program about mall design and shop design, and it was scary all the tricks they do to keep you in there. For example you'll never see a clock in a shopping mall or shop, because they don't want you to realise how long you've been there for. And the main purpose for food courts is not really to make money out of the actual food, but just to make people stay inside the mall for longer, replenished and ready to shop more!

Anonymous said...

what are you doing tomorrow night mindy?

Mindy said...

Hi Ame, I have sewing on Wednesday nights 7-9 and before that I'll be at the gym and then cooking tea. Did you want to watch the DVD?

Anonymous said...

no i thought you may want to go to see sin city

Anonymous said...

Good on you adam
there is nothing quite like talking when you have nothing to say
it is almost one of my favourite pastimes

Mindy said...

Yeah I was just thinking that.

I was also thinking I'm hungry.

And that my arm is very itchy.

Are you excited about the bowling Adam? Is it on Thursday?

Mindy said...

Awesome. I may come and watch for a bit. Simon (who is playing on "our" team - the team I"m not actually part of) is getting a bit worried as apparently there's some real professionals around the company. But oh well.

Anonymous said...

did you want to go to see sin city mindy? Or are you going to go with Darren?

Mindy said...

Oh yeah I definitely want to see it. I was probably going to see it with Darren, but we can all go! But I can't go Wednesday because of sewing, are you free Thursday? Although I want to pop in and check out the bowling but we could do both.

Anonymous said...

thursday is good but don't feel you have to. i just thought if darren didn't want to go or something.
thursday would be best i think.
it will probably be six twenty or eight fifty

Mindy said...

Cool well I have no idea when he was thinking of going. I think I should go with him though as otherwise he might miss out. But I'll let you know as soon as I know when we can all go.

Oh and if he wants to go on Friday or something instead when you can't go do you want to watch a different movie on Thursday? Like a dvd or anything?

Mindy said...

Hello. I may have to switch to not allowing anonymous comments as I seem to be getting tons at the moment. I try and delete them quickly but it is getting to be a pain. Anyway I left the above one because I think it is ridiculous! What is it advertising? How can writing such ridiculous ads actually work? Anyway pretty funny really.

Mindy said...

Why isn't anyone commenting this afternoon! I'm bored and lonely and may be driven to the chocolate biscuits. No I will be strong. Going to the gym in an hour... whoopee!

Mindy said...

Ta Adam, now I don't feel so alone in the world.

Side note, my Uncle from Sydney just rang... what a nice surprise!

LaraCroft said...

I just ate a chocolate bar. I didn't really feel like it but it was a gift and yummy.

I feel like I haven't swallowed anything properly today and it is sitting in my throat still. Yerk. And I am supposed to be fixing a few bugs but I can't work out what's wrong with my sproc. And I keep getting bugged by this other girl who I'm helping and that's fine except it doesn't help my concentration. So I decided to take a proper break and visit you Min! yeah and it's almost 5pm so that's cool. Quiz night tonight! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

why did uncle jimmy ring you? was it on your work phone?

Mindy said...

Hi Lara, sorry to hear about your throat. And he rang me at work because he won't see me, and he's in Christchurch at the moment. I guess he'll probably try and drop by Mum and Dad's sometime but knew I wouldn't be there.