Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Well I went bowling last night. And this is what it would have looked like if I did get a strike. I think it was the first time I've been for 10 years. Although I could be wrong... and I might have gone once and just not remembered it. But anyway for the last ten years I refused every offer of bowling because I have one of those wussy personalities that absolutely hates looking stupid, or below par. But anyway maybe by 23 I'm over it... who knows. The point is it was really fun.

There's this bowling competition for work on Thursday and my group has entered a team, so the purpose of the bowling trip was to give them some practice, and the purpose of me being there was to make them look good, which I convincely did. Although I only got last in one of the two games. But anyway it just emphasizes the fact that the right people are on the team. And let me tell you Simon, Shiree and Earl all bowled strikes for their first ball... so they're looking pretty good!

Anyway have a nice Wednesday.

:-) M


Anonymous said...

a question from today's canta minnie:
name on real and one imaginery person who you would want to have a threesome with

Mindy said...

Wow lots of questions today Nick!

I hope everyone is having a nice day, mine is going ok. I've got sewing tonight - yay!

LaraCroft said...

It'd be cool if I could comment on the answers on the actual post?

I'm not sure whether to be worried or flattered by the threesome comment, but since I'm only imaginary anyway I think I will imagine I'm flattered. Or something like that.

And re ass-pinching - it happens more than you know, but mostly by guys who aren't even trying to chat you up, just see you walking past and decide to rile you up instead. Or are really desperate. For the record, I hate it. But when a guy grabbed my breast as I walked past that was definitely worse.

LaraCroft said...

Ooh and I should ask some questions:

Why is it that work goes slowly sometimes when you're enjoying yourself there? But not sufficiently enjoying yourself to be glad it was going slowly?

Why is that sometimes it's not what people say but their tone of voice that's really upsetting?

Why do is it so hard not to cry sometimes?

What causes bowel cancer?

Why is it that 62 seems old when they look like David Lange, and you think 'oh they're old, it's natural to die' but when it's your Dad it seems so young?

Why am I so indecisive?

And finally, why do I never know any answers at pub quizzes even though I read a lot?

Mindy said...

Oh I just have one post per day commentable - so then I can have that open and don't need to switch between posts. So sorry I'm just lazy.

And yeah breast would be much worse. And I concur, most guys are ass pinching or whatever because they think it will do them good, they're just being cheeky, and trying to get a reaction.

Mindy said...

Lara hd so many questions I will wait until lunchtime to answer them. Thanks Lara :-)

Anonymous said...

Every wondered about cheaper medicine? The type easily bought elsewhere? You can be believed.
Great blog which I found looking for information about ways to fight disease.

Check out this site if this is what you need Pants, pants, pants!

Feet? Who has them?
I know I do!
Do you?

Mindy said...

HAHA! I agree - Andrew stop adverstising on my blog!

Mindy said...

Oh I've already change my mind about the voice, I think it will be hard to beat Freddy Mercury, but if anyone thinks of anyone better I'd love to hear.

Anonymous said...

Is it vain when you come up with a joke and then absolutely crack up over it all lunch time because you think it is absolute gold?

Anonymous said...

BTW - has anyone tried to follow the link yet?

Mindy said...

Oh my gosh that was awesome Andrew! You're definitely not vain for cracking up over that one. Maybe not quite so funny to those who haven't seen our doors - but still laugh out loud funny.

I hope you're not too lonely tonight, you can come to sewing with me if you like, you could be my dressmaker's dummy - that would be awesome. Haha I'm going to crack up over that for sometime.

LaraCroft said...

Is the last anonymous really anonymous or is it Andrew?

I don't get the pants thing. How is Andrew related to pants? Does he pant? Or does he wear pants?

I think nick is trying to outdo me with the number of questions asked.

LaraCroft said...

Also arse pinching doesn't generally hurt as much as breast grabbing can.

Mindy said...

Hey Nick, I'll have to answer those questions tonight my lunch break finished some time ago :-) But they will be answered.

Mindy said...

There's always room for another friendly commenter Adam.

LaraCroft said...

Mindy I had weird dreams last night and Adam was in one and you and me and Nick! I must be doing too much guilty blog-reading at work. I have never met Adam! Possibly why in my dream he said stuff but I never saw him. Or you. Or Nick. But you were all 'there'.

Mindy said...

That's cool. You shouldn't feel guilty though. Most work places are way nicer than yours. Like at Jade they realised we were getting more than 40,000 hits a week on trademe. But they are nice so they didn't even ban the site, just asked people to restrict using it to outside of work hours.

Anonymous said...

i think i have it
orlando bloom and indiana jones

or james bond
or zorro
or obi wan
this is a very hard decision!

Anonymous said...

oh and to those who were included in the conversation,
river's birth name:
River Jude Bottom

Mindy said...

Haha Adam do you realise you would have had straw-tusks in Lara's dream.

And thanks Amy, very informative.