Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Wow check out my biorhythms for today! They're great! No wonder I'm having such a good day. If you want to check yours go to: Daily Biorhythm .


Anonymous said...

What on earth?
Biorhythms based on your birth date?

Mumbo jumbo.

Mindy said...

Aren't biorhythms always based on birthdate? All the ones I've ever seen are. Because they're based on cycles that all humans experience, so you need a start date! Otherwise it'd be like:

"Please enter the start date of your last aesthetic cycle" and who knows that?

But yes some other people think biorhythms are mumbo jumbo Biorhythms. I think they're cool though.

Mindy said...

Nobody is commenting on my blog today (except Amy and Andrew). Anyway despite that I just really wanted to announce that I am getting so excited listening to Pearl Jam today! It's great! Woot! Woo hoo!

Mindy said...

You're probably no longer interested but try this site... no scary downloads!


LaraCroft said...

Hi Mindy. That was a very depressing biorhythmic site. I had a great day and felt pretty alive. And it told me I was intellectually irresolute and not going anyway, in very poor health, over tired and shouldn't make contact with anyone cos I will make a bad impression! And I thought life was great!!!