Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hi Everyone!

This will be my last update for 2005! Scary eh? I finish work today and don't have a computer at home at the moment so this is it from me till I come back to work on the 9th of January 2006!!!

Anyway first to quickly update from my past few days. Work lunch on Tuesday was nice, I had a steak sandwich - yum! Tuesday night was an extremely exciting evening. Darren and I set up our aquarium. It looks SO great, we are both very happy with it. We bought plants and an ornament and gravel. Now we need to let it sit for a week or so to allow bacteria to start developing before we put the fish in. Last night I met up with my school friends which was great, really don't see them enough. We went out for desert to Blue Jeans Cuisine, which was nice but I thought the deserts were pretty average, like perfectly nice but not special. Susannah is up from Dunedin so it was great to see her.

Today I did the VERY LAST of my Christmas shopping! Woot! It was an awesome effort I must say. And pretty funny too because I went with Earl. We split up and met again 40 minutes later. I had bought 5 presents in that time and he'd bought none. I guess not everyone can be as awesome at shopping as me!

Now Christmas Day will be fun! I haven't decided yet if I'll have lunch with my family or Darrens. And we're having my family for "tea" at our new place. Although it will be most likely just picking at leftovers. I can't wait. Hopefully I can convince my family not to exchange presents till they get to my house but we'll see.

Then we're going to the sounds for a holiday. And so we'll be there for New Years as well. I really can't wait. I love the sounds - well Port Underwood - so much. It's one of the most special places in the world to me. So many wonderful holidays there with family, and waterskiing and sunbathing and going for walks etc oh I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!

I hope you all have a really awesome Christmas and New Years!!!!

Loads of love

ps I almost forgot the most important thing! I had my annual Church going experience on Sunday. Mum and Amy were singing in the choir at their Church and they sounded fantastic. Now I'm not a Christian but I was bought up one so it's always a bit straneg for me going to my old Church, I went through a period of absolutely hating it, but I think I've grown up a bit now and I didn't mind it at all. I've even decided I could possibly get married in a Church, for tradition reasons not for religious reasons, but I know my family, grandparents etc would prefer a Church wedding. Not that I'm getting married anytime soon, it's just something I've always worried about.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Apparently it's going to be hot today, not that I'll know it as my office only ever gets to 23 degrees and no hotter. But to everyone who is outside remember to wear sunscreen!

I had a lovely weekend in my new home. The weekend started though at the Jade Christmas BBQ which was a very nice evening. And Adam make a new friend, Dominque, I think he was quite taken with her, I'm sure I heard him exclaim at least twice how cute she was. She seemed pretty interested in him as well, though they didn't talk very much. But she was hanging around him a lot! Anyway after most people had gone home we left and took Adam home where I got a tour of Adam's house which was really messy ;)

The rest of the weekend was good too. Darren spent all Saturday Christmas shopping which is a great sign. I spend the morning (and some of the afternoon) gardening and washing windows at my old flat. And we had a family dinner on Saturday night which was great.

I get a lot more visitors at my new house, it's great! Mostly they are from my immediate family but that's still good.

Anyway I'd better go now.


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
The strangest thing happened yesterday morning. Let me tell you a wee story.

Well I was driving to work as usual, as per any other day (albeit taking a slightly different route since I live in a different house now). On my entire trip I saw nothing out of the ordinary at all. Now maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention to the outside world, I do try to be a diligent driver and concentrate mainly on the road and traffic whilst driving. So driving along totally unaware of what was about to happen. I pulled into the work driveway, again everything appeared to be normal. I got a good park got out of my car... forgetting to look at the Ks, as I was attempting to measure exactly how far it was from my new house to work. And writing this now I realise I did exactly the same thing this morning... bugger. Anyway I get out of my car, walk up to the door. Open it. That's all fine nothing strange yet. Open the next door with my special door opening wand. That's fine too. So so far it's pretty a pretty average sort of morning, not in the least the type of morning that you'd expect to be turned upside down in just a minute. Anyway I walk up the stairs, through the door, past the kitchen and into my office... and there it is. A wet tea towel sitting right in the middle of my desk in front of my computer! Dampening the piece of paper I had sitting there (don't worry it wasn't too important).

Now I am washed a flood with confused thoughts. "Did I leave that tea towel there?" no, "Did something spill on my desk that requires mopping up with a tea towel?" no, "Has someone been drying dishes at my desk?" possibly, but unlikely. To this day (which is a day later) I still haven't solved this mystery.

Now the curious amoung you might be thinking, "well what did you do with the tea towel". Well I'll tell you. I took it into the kitchen and hung it on the tea towel hook.

And that's the end of the story... for now.

Incidentally the picture of the tea towel I found to accompany my little tale of intrigue was from amazon, and that picture tea towel cost $11.99US isn't that amazing!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What I learned

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Actually is it "what I learned" or "what I learnt"? I'm not sure. Maybe if Lara reads this she can tell me.

So anyway moving has taught me one thing. That is, that I am clumsy. No I didn't break any $4mil dollar antique vase (possibly I would have if I had one though) but the fact remains I'm a bit clumsy. I managed to get scratches in a set of drawers I had, additionally I split a bucket full of water onto the floor.

Now I've always been a bit clumsy (you know suddenly tripping over when walking when there are absolutely not obstacles to trip on, and I always manage to walk into doors - not closed ones I'm not that stupid but when I walk through a doorway I often hit my arm or shoulder or hip on the frame or door handle) but a whole bucket of water! I guess it could have been worse, it could have been a bucket of jelly or something.

Speaking of which I made some pineapple jelly last night and it was delicious!

Anyway apart from my clumsiness shifting went well, mostly because of Darren and Mum and Dad who did an awesome job. And we're all shifted in and it's such a lovely little house.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Moving Day Today!!!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Well today is moving day, although I'm almost 100% positive that not everything will get moved today. But today is the day we're shifting the bed and so will begin sleeping in the new house, which counts as moving day in my books. But the weather looks bad so we'll see. And also we're not taking time off work or anything, this will all take place after work so good luck to us.

Right I'm off to go see if Adam or Nick have updated their page.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Busy Week ahead

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Happy morning tea time everyone! Just a super quick update since it is only morning tea. I had a BUSY weekend. It started off fantastically with Adam's pirate party. It was super fun, everyone was suitably attired (Adam looked great in his Captain Jack Sparrow-ish outfit and makeup), the punch was delicious (well it was at the beginning of the night), got to catch up with Nick who happens to be wicked at the macarena, what more could you ask for! After that my weekend involved a lot less alcohol and a lot more cleaning and shifting.

Saturday morning I packed up my room, then Saturday afternoon we shifted things into the garage of our new place. Saturday evening I was knackered and watched a teen chick flick borrowed from Claire then went to sleep. Sunday we cleaned and went to the dump and cleaned some more and then relaxed. I'm going to have a few more evenings of the same this week I think. Just due to the unfortunate web of shifting I'm involved with: We're moving into Mum and Dad's property which my Auntie has been living in, that Auntie owns the flat that Darren has been flatting in so there's a lot of shifting and cleaning all to be done at once and that's without even taking into consideration my flat!

Oh well I must leave you now and continue at my work.

Hope you all had great weekends!


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Party Day Adam!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hello Everyone!

Today is Adam's birthday party day! And Happy Actual birthday to Adam and Greg for tomorrow.

Adam is having a pirate birthday party. I can't decide whether to go as a female pirate, a whore (you know the type that services pirates), or just dressed in a pirate flag. I will update all with my decision on Monday!

My sores/burns are quite a bit better, well I'm not sure about the one on my leg because it's all covered up but the one on my arm is which is good. Although it does still look suitably impressive. It will help add tomy authenticity if I decide to go as a pirate chick.

Also my good good good friends Sarah and Uma are down from Wellington this weekend! Yay!!!! It feels like years since I've seen Uma, which it isn't, but truthfully I can't remember the last time I saw her, I know I saw her at Rach and Greg's wedding this time last year but I must have seen her since then.... surely!


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Culprit

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hello All,

I did some (uh hm actually lots) of research yesterday and found out what the plant was that attacked me and all that jazz. It's called Giant Hogweed and is classified a noxious weed in most places it grows (not Christchurch New Zealand for some reason). Anyway this is what one website had to say:

"BEWARE! The sap from the leaves and particularly the stem is highly toxic and contact with the skin can lead to severe scars. Contact with the eyes can lead to temporary or, in some cases, permanent blindness. The sap renders skin photo-sensitive which means that exposure to sunlight following contact causes blisters and burns. If you do come into contact with the plant, and especially the sap, you are advised to wash the affected areas immediately, keep them out of direct sunlight and seek medical advice."

Scary stuff eh? I've read quite a lot and technically as far as I understand it's actually a burn on the site of the sap, the sap reacts with uv light and gains engery and burns ya, like a directed sunburn. Which is interesting because when I went to the pharmacy they didn't know anything about the plant or how to treat it but they said it looked like a burn not like a normal plant rash. Unfortunately I read somewhere else that if the wound is dark red and not blistery it will probably turn into a purple-black scar and I've got one wound like that on my leg. :( I think the other ones won't scar though which is good, although they are starting to get damn itchy.

Again poor poor Alex and Saxon!

Stay away from giant hogweed!


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Dad!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Well today is my Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you after sewing tonight :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Happy Birthday Mum!!!!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Also the most important thing I really have to say today is HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!!!!!!!

It's my Mum's birthday today and she turns, well something really young, way younger than 50!

ps I just found some more rash on a part of my arm I can only see in the mirror yuck! Also thanks Adam I'm sure I'll get better soon, definitely before Friday.


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hi there,

My "rash" from gardening on Saturday is really coming along nicely. It's gone all swollen and pussy. Just lovely. lus it's started hurting something wicked. I feel SO SO SO sorry for Alex who has the same thing all over his arms (I just have a few spots of it here and there) and also Saxon who has it on his legs apparently. (Alex and Saxon are my cousins and we were all gardening at the house their Mum and Dad are landlords for on Saturday).


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ah ha!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
I found a way to get around the system. I'm a genius! A genius I tell you. I can blog from the flickr site which isn't banned. (Yet) but I still won't be able to comment on my posts.

If you haven't read the last lot of comments this is all because the blogger site is now banned at our work which is very sad.

Anyway I have a lot of news but I'll just go real quick as I'm actually quite busy today. Um so it's almost Christmas, I have bought all of my Christmas presents apart from Dad's. Also it's Mum's birthday tomorrow, and Dad's birthday on Wednesday. And Adam's birthday on Saturday and also Gregs on Saturday too.

I've been extremely busy doing stuff. I'm moving in with Darren next week which is very exciting. We're going to have such a lovely house. And once we've moved in we can set up the fish tank! Woo!

Have a great day everyone. Please comment if you like I can still read the comments, just not post them. Thanks to Adam for already commenting today.

Little Miss Mindy