Thursday, August 25, 2005

Going to England (maybe)

Hey Everyone! Guess what I'm going to England (maybe). The reason I have to add maybe all the time is because it may all fall through. But at the moment the plan is for me to go! Woo!

Ok so at work I work for a team who works on a Train Planning Tool (amongst other applications) for a freight train company in England - EWS - who happen to be the largest freight train company over there with about 70% of the market. But anyway due to some work coming up I get to go over with Colin my manager to Doncaster. Which is apparently the biggest hole in the universe, but I don't care, also I don't believe it. And also apparently it's going to be horrid weather. But again I don't care.

Part of my job involves lots of communicating with some of the people at EWS and it will be really interesting, and fun to meet them. Also to see how they use our app. And things like that. I may even get to ride on a train.

I have never been to England. The furtherest I've ever been is Minnesota, which is still a lot closer than England. I hope no one explodes me with a bomb. I think I'll be ok. I hope my Mum doesn't worry that someone is going to explode me. Anyway.

:-) Little Miss Mindy


Mindy said...

Oi! That's not very nice. I've already decided as long as I see a building over 155 years old it'll be worth it (as it will be the oldest building I've ever seen then).

Mindy said...

Wicked! Coz on Doctor Who last night it said that old buildings are the safest places to be if time gets broken... so I'll make sure I know where to go.

Anonymous said...

will you be back by october the 15th?

doctor who was awesome last night. i am impressed you watch it!

Mindy said...

Hi Amy,

I'm not sure. At this stage we are sort of working out what we need to do and how long it will take. There is even talk of us going earlier than the last week of September, so I might even be back for your birthday (which is on October 1st everyone and I think you should all try and get an invite to her party because it will be awesome!). The plan is to get it all finalised at the beginning of next week. So if you could wait until maybe Wednesday I could give you a more definite answer.

LaraCroft said...

That is so so so so so so so so exciting!

Do you know what sucks? Jenna was supposed to arrive tonight for youth choir and stay with me for a bit but now she's not coming AT ALL. I am so upset. and she hasn't even texted to apologise - all I got was a phonecall from Mum at 8.10am today.

Mindy said...

Oh that sucks! Does she just have too much on at the moment or something? I'm sure she'll apologise eventually, she might just not want to face disappointing you.

I'm coming to see you! I booked my tickets this morning!

LaraCroft said...

ooh ooh ooh ! when???? she's just too stressed to come apparently, too much uni stuff to catch up on with Dad etc..

Mindy said...

Yeah that's what I figured (about Jenna).

I've written you an email about it all, but since you're asking now :-) On the 27th Oct which is a Thursday night, well it's a Thursday and we're coming at night-time. Till Sunday.

We'll have Dad's car, and Darren used to live in Auckland so we'll probably do some exploring on Friday day. Not sure where we'll stay yet, hopefully as a celebration of Darren and my first trip away together we will stay at a nice motel or hotel for one night, probably Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm going to Utah soon.
About the same time Mindy is going to England. Amazing.

Mine is for work too. Why else would anyone go to Utah? ;-p

Are you saying Utah isn't going to be fun?

Anonymous said...

when do you get back andrew?

Anonymous said...

I really dont know when I will be going or get back.

No idea.

Just soonish/maybe.

Anonymous said...

yeah mine is pretty dull nick too
i did manage to prevent a whole lot of peasants from killing themselves this afternoon. that was a bit of a highlight