Wednesday, August 03, 2005

50 Random Facts

Good morning! Today is 50 random facts you may or may not have known about me. I got the idea from Alissa's blog who got the idea from someone else. So yeah I stole it, but I thought it was kinda cool. Anyway...

1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but haven't bought any in the past 8 months
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have never kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I only have my restricted drivers license (I have had it for over 3 years now!)
15. I have lived my whole life in Christchurch
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school.
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch, and I flat with my two wonderful cousins Kirsty and Andrew)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I also love porridge.
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I try to go to the gym every morning, in reality I end up going about three mornings a week.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2005 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (6 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch the Wild Thornberries because I love it.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have no scars.
35. I am addicted to diet coke and trying to cut down.
36. I hate peas! But I don't really mind the taste of them.
37. I also hate apples... I just don't like them!
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my Ovation Guitar.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am getting over a fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)

And finally....

50. I have over 17 pairs of shoes


Anonymous said...

I'm just cuffed that 2005 has been the best year of your life.

Take that 2003 and before when Mindy didn't know me! Ha!

Am I taking too much credit here? Hmmmm?

Mindy said...

Actually I think it's because I've eaten a lot of cheesecake this year.

But not a lot lately. I think one of the Revell siblings should provide our flat with cheesecake tonight!

Anonymous said...

Interesting fact:

Mindy still has the ORIGINAL strings on her Ovation. How old is it Mindy? 3 years or something.

Beautiful guitar with old crap basically rusted strings.

And its all because the ball ends are pretty rainbow colours.


Mindy said...

It's about *cough* 2 months old

Mindy said...

I did not lie! Can you at least email which ones you thought were lies.

Mindy said...

I'm so confused Nick! The only ones I can see that Nick would know better than me are just ones he remembers that I don't. The only things I can think of are
- Maybe I have bought a cd in the apst 8 months. I can't honestly remember doing so though.
- I might have bunked a study class once, but I really don't think I have.
Everything else I'm pretty sure is definitely true!

Anonymous said...

could you explain the meaning of number 18.... I can't understand your terminology.

Oh and I think that 2005 is the year Mindy first knew me - not Andrew considering she knew andrew last year and clearly that was not the best year of her life.

Mindy said...

Oh don't worry about number 18, you won't ever need to use it yourself it means: "I have never vocalised a desire to **** *** random 15 year old bogans" HAHA.

Also that is so true about the knowing you thing, but I just didn't want to make anyone feel bad by stating it ;-)

Mindy said...

Hmm maybe Nick thinks I'm lying about the scars. Gosh this is bothering me.

LaraCroft said...

i knew almost all those already.

I hope you realise that Dec 2002 was the best *month* of your life though....