Tuesday, August 02, 2005


1. Why do women very rarely make the first move? Is it because of complete laziness on their behalf, or are they just too clueless to know when a guy is interested, or do they really just not care about who they go out with as long as they don't put any effort in to get them? - BHN

Dear Nick, again this is difficult for me to answer as I would happily make the first move if:
a) I was sure the guy was interested
b) I really liked him and even if he wasn't obviously interested I thought he could be
c) I knew that there was less than 10% chance of being rejected

I think the last point in the vital one. So yeah sometimes the girl may be clueless that the guy is interested. With most guys it's so obvious so that when someone slightly more subtle comes along you just assume they're not interested. But I'd say mostly it'd be the fear or rejection/looking silly. But then again I'm not the best person to ask. I've made moves on guys before and can't remember an instance where I was interested in someone and didn't make a move on them. And also almost without a gap I've been in 2 long term relationships over the past 5 years, so I haven't done a lot of dating.

2. What is the most flattering thing a guy has ever said to you mindy? - BHN

Well that's a pretty personal question I can't tell you the most flattering as I feel that would be a bit disloyal to the person who said it. So this is going to sound silly but it'd haven't to be "You're so beautiful"... I know that's a bit uninventive but I've always been self conscious about my looks, growing up with glasses and "beauty spots" on my face, and to be told that by someone who I believed when they said it was pretty flattering. Oh someone also once told me they loved the way I kissed and I was pretty flattered by that.