Thursday, October 23, 2008

Anniversary Cupcakes

On Sunday it was Thomas and my 3rd anniversay. Awww. As is our tradition, we went and saw a Kiera Knightley movie, this year it was the Duchess. We both really enjoyed it. Gosh Tom loves his costume dramas ;-)

I decided to make Hello Cupcakes! chocolate box cupcakes. It was a great plan as it had lots of room for creativity. The only problem is all the lollies I bought to decorate them with- I used so few and have eaten so many!

So I used the Martha Steward one bowl cupcake recipe again. I really like this recipe. I find the cupcakes are nice and rich but I do find that they don't rise very much. I am going to need to find a nice high rising chocolate cupcake one day. Here they are before the decorating, I really loved the red cupcake cases (I actually intended the red and brown to be the same size but I bought them at different times ;-) )
And here they are after decorating. Awww. So yummy!

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