Well Darren told me he also heard good things about Episode III, and that it was dark. I hope there are lots of pretty dresses in it! Hehe. Just kidding.
Nick I would feel violated if I was a 2nd year biology student. I'm sure my cosc tutors never checked me out. (That is in response to his page, nothing from this blog).http://www.twobadmen.co.nz
Thanks Nick for your kind comment. My question is: Mindy can you please tell me the gender and number of siblings for your mum, and your mum's mum, and if you can possibly, your mum's mum's mum?
Why is Larry so Happy?
Why does everyone like Carl?
Wow Amy that is a great question!
And Andrew your question is somewhat more um random... but that's cool. Did you mess up the kitchen?
Hey Amy - I have heard Episode III has got really good reviews.
I dont have a question...
Well Darren told me he also heard good things about Episode III, and that it was dark. I hope there are lots of pretty dresses in it! Hehe. Just kidding.
Nick I would feel violated if I was a 2nd year biology student. I'm sure my cosc tutors never checked me out. (That is in response to his page, nothing from this blog).http://www.twobadmen.co.nz
And BORIS! YOU SUCK! Clean it up!
Is it better to be right or to be happy?
Oi! Nick I'll be answering the questions around here!
Well apparently Andrew also wants a nice wig, to wear stockings and dresses... so maybe he's a girl too.
This could be a warning never to name your boys names starting with 'A' (unless you wanted a girl).
Boys boys boys boys boys! There's a simple way to solve this problem. Each of you buy me a present. This will allow me to judge
a) If Nick has class
b) If Adam is cheap
It will be a struggle for me, but I'm such a kind soul that I will do this for both of you :-D
Dear blog readers
I would just like to confirm that I do like to wear a wig, stockings and a dress
love Andrew
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for sharing.
Love Mindy
ps I'm busy at work today! It's great!
Thanks Nick for your kind comment.
My question is:
Mindy can you please tell me the gender and number of siblings for your mum, and your mum's mum, and if you can possibly, your mum's mum's mum?
Aren't you at work Lara?
Not getting your Mother a present doesn't make you cheap!
Come on Adam, isn't Nick annoying you. Prove him wrong! Buy me a present!
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