Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ask Marvelous Mindy TODAY!!!

RHCP Lyric of the Day:Psychic spies in China try to steal your mind's elation

Hello! Firstly I'd like to mention that I got a new pet last week! I can't believe I neglected to inform you of this sooner. Anyway his name is O'Neil after Jack O'Neil on Stargate. I wanted to call him T'ealc but I'm saving that name for the puppy I'm going to get when I've got a house. Anyway O'Neil, is a great pet rock! He's so cute! Also he has some very special talents... he can hang out in fire for a good half hour and come out without a scratch! (Or burn) although he did turn slightly pink but I can't figure out why in the world that would be. Anyways...

Tonight is my flat birthday party! Woo hoo! We're going to Cobb & Co and we're going to order traffic lights (or maybe pink panthers or blue lagoons). Well that's the plan. It should be great.

I'm looking forward to seeing all your questions... except maybe Nick's which I'm a bit scared of after his query yesterday. And possibly Andrew's might be a bit silly.

And hi to Darren! oxo who doesn't have a modem in his computer at the moment (he's very patient and lets his girlfriend muck around with his computer hardware, and then lose components) so doesn't get to read this very often, but I'm sure he'll be as excited as me that I got in total SEVENTY-THREE comments yesterday. That kicks Dave Navarro's ass!

2 sleeps till my birthday!!!

:-) M


Mindy said...

Thanks for your question... but I thought you were banned??

Anyways how this will work is in tomorrow's post I will answer the questions, or maybe a few during the day as I get time.


Anonymous said...

Who is Darren oxo?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I had a really busy weekend and I need to know what the best way of disposing of dead hookers is?

Anonymous said...

His name is Darren! oxo.

Now I need a question.... Who is killer chicken?

Kirsty said...

Why won't my godfather buy me a duck?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't your mother buy the damn thing herself?

Kirsty said...

But I am so cute. Everyone whould buy me stuff.

You are the meanest Godfather in the whole world.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who's a huge Liverpool fan. Liverpool just won something and he won't shut up about it. How can I get him to shut up, short of killing him?

Kirsty said...

Thanks for the answer Mindy. I think I can understand my godfathers' point of view a bit better. If he doesn't give me a duck can I wizz on his keyboard?

Anonymous said...

What is inflationary bias, with special reference to central bankers using discretion to set monetary policy. If you could incoporate the time inconsistency problem into your answer that would be fabe.

Mindy said...

Unfortunately Bradley wizzing on his computer would not be a good idea. It would probably quite significantly increase the delay in your receipt of a duck, why don't you just go play with O'Neil for awhile and take your mind off your mean godfather.

Kirsty said...

well the last hooker I got rid of I cut up and fed to my humans.

I hear worm composting is good too.

Anonymous said...

I have a question, who is this anonymous person?

Anonymous said...

Why am I so hot?

And why, dear god, do I never take off my shirt?

Anonymous said...

I second that last question.

Why Danial? Why?

Why dont' you ever take your shirt off?

Anonymous said...

I could take my shirt off if that would help? But I am at work and that seems awefully unprofessional. Oh and thanks for answering all my questions!

Mindy said...

Anonymous - it would really help if you could take your shirt off... and maybe stand on your desk and wave it around whilst wiggling your hips a little. I could actually show you the hungarian version of the timewarp if you like.

And it was my pleasure answering your questions. I'm here for you if you have anymore, or you can save them for next Wednesday :-)

Mindy said...

O'Neil! Stop calling yourself Oatmeal... and don't be mean to Boris (even tho I agree he's a dork)

Kirsty said...

Well I like boris. He looks pretty tasty to me.

I got overseas recognition on my blog. The head war elephant training centre and everything!

Anonymous said...

I was not invited to your party minnie

Mindy said...

Hi Ame, yes I know we didn't invite you this isn't a big party, just Andrew, me and Kirsty as Kirsty isn't going to be around on Friday so we thought we'd go out for tea as a flat. Andrew and I are coming to your place on Friday tho :-)

And Nick, I will answer your question, but probably not till I get home as it has quite an involved answer, so check in tomorrow for it, same with Boris and the button question.

Anonymous said...

Do we regard utility as the quality of the experience or expectations being fulfilled?

Anonymous said...

are you going out on fri andrew?
new movie coming out
very exciting

Anonymous said...

You mean the crusades one?
Kingdom of something?

There is Mindy's birthday something or other - thats all.

Anonymous said...

So does that mean we need simply lower our expectations in order to increase utility while consuming a smaller number of goods, thus violating the concept of monotonicity (note, the careful use of the word good as opposed to a "bad" or a "neutral"

Kirsty said...

Mindy there is a present at home for you from Lara. I got it out of the letter box for you and its on the dinning room table

Mindy said...

Thanks Bradley! I can't wait to open in on Friday

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kingdom of heaven

pretty exciting.....

Mindy said...

TSauce I'm really glad condiments now feel the need to comment on my blog. I seem to attract all kinds... it must be my loving warm open arms :-)

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm tomato sauce

Anonymous said...

Hi. I thought this was a random question but after seeing some of the others....
Does anyone want to do a sewing course? Well dressmaking - learning how to use a sewing machine and make clothes etc. Its on wednesday nights 7-9m at St Stephens church in Burnside and is only $40 for 8 wks. Thats pretty cheap! Anyway it will be fun and they need to get a minimum of six people by friday or they can't run it. So far theres only four - and thats including me and maria and rachel. This is the number to ring if you're interested 332 7359. Come on, it will be cool.

Mindy said...

Hey Kim! You commented on my blog! I'd like to do it but I don't have a sewing machine... will that matter?

Anonymous said...

well it said in the ad thing that you needed your own machine but Mum rang the lady and she said they do have a couple people can borrow if they need to. I think Maria and rachel just have one between them and are going to borrow one. I'm going to use Mums old one. It would be cool all doing it together.

Mindy said...

Kim, I wrote you an email, but I just rang the number and am all signed up (if it goes ahead!) - I will use Mum and Dad's sewing machine, I'm the only one who ever used it at home anyway!

Anonymous said...

excuse me!!!
i used it just last wednesday minnie
you forget that when buy new pants I have to take them up about half a metre

i think it is super cool though that you are doing the sewing course. you can do my jeans!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! Now we just need one more person. Maybe we will learn how to make some of those cool outfits you designed years ago. We could open a fashion design buisness.

LaraCroft said...

My question:

Do you do any work at all anymore Mindy?

We have mailmarshal at work and webmarshal so they know to whom we send our emails, and where we spend out internet time, and they do reports for our section head every month.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, I wonder if our work has that...

Mindy said...

Well I'm sure you'd have to be informed if you were being monitored in that way.