Wednesday, May 18, 2005


RHCP Lyric of the Day: A wanna be gangster thinking he's a wise guy, rob another bank he's a sock 'em in the eye guy

I'm back... well for now. I don't want ya all to go taking me for granted and such. Let it be known I could disappear again at anytime. Look out!

Well the weather is awesome! I'm loving it. And... I don't have to go out tonight. I am going to go home, and do the dishes (if Andrew hasn't) then cook tea and then sit on the couch ALL NIGHT! Woo! And maybe we'll light the fire, although it's not really that cold.

Last night I had my second sewing class and I managed to severely injure myself. I pricked my thumb with a pin. Now don't laugh. It still hurts! And I think it's getting infected. I'm guessing within the next week or so they'll probably have to amputate my thumb. Luckily it's on my right hand.

Um no other news. I'm quite distressed about O'Neil. He hasn't shown up. Kirsty and Andrew are telling me to look in the couches... but I think I'll wait a little longer before taking such drastic measures. Oh and I hope everyone who went enjoyed Star Wars last night!

:-) M

ps I'm saving the three questions and I'll answer them tonight probably.


Mindy said...

Oi! Show me some sympathy... my thumb may have to be amputated! I was in great pain last night.

Mindy said...

Huh? Am I missing something?

Mindy said...

Do you punch people in the neck on Thursdays? This might be an opportune time to start.

And Nick don't be so mean!

Mindy said...

Haha boys are dumb! ;-)

Mindy said...

Am I allowed to say boys are silly then?

Maybe just to be safe I'll retract my comment and say boys are funny instead.

Mindy said...

Fine, you forced me into it.

Boys are great.

Anyway I thought I should inform everyone that I'm not going to go home and sit on the couch. Not at all.

My plans have changed. Drastically.

I am now going to go home and finish making my beanbag! And then tidy my room. And then watch a movie. Probably in bed. Probably Frida. Yay!

I challenge everyone to be as indrustrious (and organised) as me.

Mindy said...

I'm lonely too. Fridays at work suck I have decided. Fridays themselves are great, but the work portion of the day sucks.

And also I need MORE beans for my beanbag... which will make a total of 300L. So anyway I can't finish it until I've gone and spent another $20 on beans. :-(

But I'm going to the netball tonight with Rach and Kim and I've never watched a big netball game before so I'm quite excited.

LaraCroft said...

Hi Mindy

I was here and I read...

I've been to a big netball game once I think, Anna Scarlett (affectionately known as Scrals to her friends) was playing so it was exciting seeing someone you knew.

A bean bag! That is so cool