Thursday, May 26, 2005


1. How can it be sexual harrasment, if they enjoy it? (BHN)

Nick, if you're asking from personal experience, they weren't enjoying it, they were just pretending. Harsh I know. But really what was I supposed to say to such a... sigh.. oh... nevermind.

2. Oh and why is it that most bands first album is so much better than the next couple, but their last couple of albums tend to be just as good? (BHN)

Dear Nick, well I can counter this with numerous examples as I personally find second albums often much better than first. Eg Live... first album Mental Jewelry was ok, but Throwing Copper will forever be their best. But counter examples aside there are a few reasons why some bands may have first albums much better than their next. One is their first album is the music that got them signed often... the band has just come to chemistry and point where they're good enough for people to take notice. The second album they get to release without having to prove too much or work as hard as they did with their first. Also many bands don't have much left by their second album. They wrote a really good first album then find on their second album they're just doing exactly the same thing again (eg Linkin Park, Creed). Some of these bands might eventually figure out that they need to evolve and thus their last couple of albums might be good too. Also bands mature which could explain the increase in quality of later albums.

3. Where do babies come from? (Adam)

Dear Adam, since you didn't specify a type of baby I think it is safe to assume you are asking about baby carrots. Well Adam contrary to popular belief true baby carrots are actually fully mature carrots that have been bred intentionally to be small, rather than regular carrots that have been picked early. As to where they actually come from well they come from a garden of course. The farmer will plant some seeds, give them love and care and then presto! baby carrots. Hope this helps.

4. Well who has missed me the most? (Bradley)

Dear Bradley, I missed you the most! I know this because I took a survey and did a statistical analysis of the data and how much I missed you was significantly greater (where p < 0.05) than anyone else.

5. Why don't more girls wear pink? (BHN)

Dear Nick, lots of girls do wear pink. I can only assume the girls who never wear pink do so because they don't want guys to think they are silly. The reason those girls think guys might think they are silly is because guys hardly ever wear pink so those girls just assume that guys hate pink. Therefore if you want more girls to wear pink then you should try and encourage as many males to wear pink as possible, and you personally should wear all pink all the time.

6. Why is pink so pleasing on the eye? (BHN)

To give you a slightly serious answer, it probably has something to do with blood, and sexual instincts. I won't elaborate much but the reason women wearing lipstick is attractive is because when aroused blood rushes to their lips and lipstick emulates this. There is probably some sort of primeval instinct in you that makes you love pink so much. Other people don't love pink as much as you because they are probably more evolved (which may also explain why you're so hairy!). Haha. I'm funny.