Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hello World


I am still sick. So again I implore you all to stay away from me if at all possible. To help you out I have confined myself to my room for the day... so stay out of my room and you should be fine.

I found a really geeky webpage http://www2.latech.edu/~acm/HelloWorld.shtml for those of you that are geeks. Me? No way I'm not a geek.

Today is ask Mindy day so if you want to do if you don't don't, I don't mind. I don't really have much to do today. I think I'll try and sleep. I'm at that wonderful stage of the flu or whatever where I hurt all over especially my back so the thought of lying down again makes me cry. Actually I'd much rather be at work, than be sick but what are you going to do?

I got a lovely 7.15 wake up call from Darren this morning who needed a jump start. So I gave him one. Nice of me huh?

Ok bubye,

:-) M

Monday, May 30, 2005

Almost Dead


I'm sorry to have to say this but I'm almost dead. Actually I'm not. I'll probably be fine. But just in case you are all welcome to claim stuff of mine via commenting today, and I will consider your requests when I compile my will later this afternoon. ;-)

Actually I'm going to the doctor soon so I might be all better as that's what doctors do. I had a very uncomfortable night though. Every time I cough I feel like I'm coughing out my lungs and I'm consistently surprised when they don't shoot out my mouth.

Last night. I got home. Was quarantined breifly. Then went to Mum and Dad's. Where I sat and read my book until tea. Tea was yummy. It was just me and Mum and Dad. Then after tea we had these new huge trumpets. I think. They were very very yummy. Then I went back to the flat. Watched Shortland Street and then went to bed. I woke up at 4am and read my book at little. And now I'm here. Waiting. For 9.30 and the doctor.

Kirsty has just left so I'm all alone. But that's ok. I'm going to go back to bed soon.

But the good news for everyone is I can comment here all day. Expect responses to your comments within 5 seconds!

Love from

:-) M

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Good morning World!

I hope you are all well today and wonderfully refreshed and ready for the week after a fulfilling and enjoyable weekend.

Also check out the coolest belt ever. I will um worship anyone who buys and wears one of these. So if you want my undying admiration forever you now know how to get it!

Also I finished reading the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy over the weekend. It was super! Just super! Super duper even! I'm now reading the next one, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. It is shaping up to be just as super. I have a feeling though that I might get rather depressed when I've finished them as then there will be no more. Oh well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

My weekend was ok. I had a rather sore stomach all of Saturday which was annoying. So I had a very quiet night at home by myself just watching Stargate. But Claire and Clemency came round to hang out at the flat on Saturday during the day which was fun. Except when they polluted the air with Hilary Duff, Kelly Clarkson and numerous other horrors. Bring back the Backstreet Boys I say! ;-) I tried to help them out by putting on a Led Zeppelin CD but they didn't take to it too well and as soon as I left the room it was back to Natasha Beddingfield or whatever her name is.

Sunday morning I caught up with Susannah, who was up for the rugby and Helen and Kim. Which was really nice. And then Kim came round in the afternoon and with Andrew we painted these gorgeous pots (well the pots were just average, they were gorgeous after we painted them). I'm going to break up one of my peace lilies and plant them in the pots. Probably next weekend. I might have a few spare if anyone needs a peace lily let me know!

Ok bubye!

:-) M

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Not sleepy!


(Oops I just wrote Ho! by accident but I fixed it up as you can see).

I'm not sleepy this morning. Although my sleeping pattern does need a bit more work. To get up at 6.30 I should really go to bed to be asleep by 10.30 (which for me and my terrible inability to fall asleep in less than an hour) means I should go to bed at 9.30, however, I'm always far too awake so stay up much later, and then I'm so sleepy the next day but by night again I'm all awake, which is just silly. However it's the weekend so I'm sleeping in tomorrow anyway and I'll worry about this next week.

I'm getting used to Amy's car. I used to stall it all the time, which is quite a feat in an automatic. But it seems to like me a bit more and we're slowly getting to respect one another. Plus her car is so much cleaner than mine which is a nice change.

Oh and sorry Nick you know I think you're great, I was just kidding about everything. Although I'm sure you know that and you were just pulling my chain. Actually terrible memories are flooding back. Ahh the desperate frustration during conversations with Nick as he intentionally tried to rile me up. We even had a fight about spelling once and he made me so pissed off, and to think he must have been cracking himself up laughing.

Also I'm here way earlier. This is because I didn't have to give Andrew a ride. I wasn't aware of this but obviously he holds me up terribly in the morning ;-) And that's all I have to say about that.

Oh also I drank over 1.5L of water during the day yesterday. Andrew says it's a sure sign of Leprosy. I'm not too sure about that, but I'll keep you updated.

Right onwards and upwards! I'm not quite sure why I said that but it's said now and there's nothing I can do about it.

:-) M


1. How can it be sexual harrasment, if they enjoy it? (BHN)

Nick, if you're asking from personal experience, they weren't enjoying it, they were just pretending. Harsh I know. But really what was I supposed to say to such a... sigh.. oh... nevermind.

2. Oh and why is it that most bands first album is so much better than the next couple, but their last couple of albums tend to be just as good? (BHN)

Dear Nick, well I can counter this with numerous examples as I personally find second albums often much better than first. Eg Live... first album Mental Jewelry was ok, but Throwing Copper will forever be their best. But counter examples aside there are a few reasons why some bands may have first albums much better than their next. One is their first album is the music that got them signed often... the band has just come to chemistry and point where they're good enough for people to take notice. The second album they get to release without having to prove too much or work as hard as they did with their first. Also many bands don't have much left by their second album. They wrote a really good first album then find on their second album they're just doing exactly the same thing again (eg Linkin Park, Creed). Some of these bands might eventually figure out that they need to evolve and thus their last couple of albums might be good too. Also bands mature which could explain the increase in quality of later albums.

3. Where do babies come from? (Adam)

Dear Adam, since you didn't specify a type of baby I think it is safe to assume you are asking about baby carrots. Well Adam contrary to popular belief true baby carrots are actually fully mature carrots that have been bred intentionally to be small, rather than regular carrots that have been picked early. As to where they actually come from well they come from a garden of course. The farmer will plant some seeds, give them love and care and then presto! baby carrots. Hope this helps.

4. Well who has missed me the most? (Bradley)

Dear Bradley, I missed you the most! I know this because I took a survey and did a statistical analysis of the data and how much I missed you was significantly greater (where p < 0.05) than anyone else.

5. Why don't more girls wear pink? (BHN)

Dear Nick, lots of girls do wear pink. I can only assume the girls who never wear pink do so because they don't want guys to think they are silly. The reason those girls think guys might think they are silly is because guys hardly ever wear pink so those girls just assume that guys hate pink. Therefore if you want more girls to wear pink then you should try and encourage as many males to wear pink as possible, and you personally should wear all pink all the time.

6. Why is pink so pleasing on the eye? (BHN)

To give you a slightly serious answer, it probably has something to do with blood, and sexual instincts. I won't elaborate much but the reason women wearing lipstick is attractive is because when aroused blood rushes to their lips and lipstick emulates this. There is probably some sort of primeval instinct in you that makes you love pink so much. Other people don't love pink as much as you because they are probably more evolved (which may also explain why you're so hairy!). Haha. I'm funny.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005



I'm tired again!

Also I haven't answered the questions. But I will. Um I guess I'm just working far too hard at work these days. Actually I'll do them in my lunch break today I reckon.

Sewing was ok last night.

My car now doesn't have a driver's seat window which is a bit annoying. I'm driving Amy's car instead for awhile. But it's a weird car. Although I'm extremely grateful that she is lending it to me. Thanks!

Tonight our flat got invited out to dinner. Well it was assumed we were invited but no one actually bothered to get round to doing the inviting part. So we're trying to decide whether to boycott as a demostration of how offended we were. Or just go and try and guilt them into payuing for us. "Them" being the family.

Ok toodle loo.

:-) M

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Ask Mindy Day!

Hello everyone!

Today is ask Mindy day. I'm sure by now there's not many questions left out there for you all to ask. But I do still have two outstanding questions from Nick and Adam to answer from last week and if there are any new ones fire them this way.

Oh the picture is from the link Andrew posted yesterday. I have this book! How exciting is that? I remember it vaguely... but I do remember looking at the sweet shop, and the jars of sweets and thinking how come I've never been to a sweet shop like that!

Dinner last night was nice. And then we watched Bad Santa, which was ok but I was pretty tired and drifted off a bit. I'm still tired now. In fact what I'd really really really love would be to go home and go back to bed and read all day. But I can't :-(

I've got sewing tonight though so that will be fun. And then I can go straight to bed after that I suppose! Woo hoo!

Well have a good day!

:-) M

Monday, May 23, 2005

Nothing Interesting


I don't really have anything interesting to say.

Oh we got some more milk, so now we're set till next Monday (phew!)

And today is Darren's Birthday. He is turning OLD! Haha. So we're going out for dinner tonight. Yummy! Happy Birthday Darren!

And I've been to the gym two mornings in a row. Yay for me. And my washing is on the line but I'm suspecting it will never ever dry and I'll have to wear wet clothes for all eternity. In my defence it was lovely and sunny when I hung it out yesterday lunchtime.

That is all.


:-) M

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Happy Monday!

Good morning everyone! Today is the 23rd of May. This is a date of note for two reasons:

1) It is now four days before my warrant of fitness expires.
2) And it is the day that most of the milk in my fridge expires.

Luckily I managed to finish off/tip out most of it before work. And we still have some that will last till Thursday so everything will be ok.

So in the weekend I watched the Spongebob Movie. It was AWESOME! There's this new character in it... and guess what her name is.... MINDY! WOO HOO! Also I watched Open Water. Mostly just because I was very interested as to how a movie about two people floating in the middle of the ocean alone could not suck. I did not find the answer. As this movie sucked BIG TIME! It was so terrible. The most exciting part of the film was where the girl threw up. Honestly we were sitting there the entire time just willing the sharks to finish them off (although I thought it would have been a nice twist if they'd gone insane and killed each other).

Also went to the netball on Friday night. It was very very fun! Even though we lost. And I saw Revenge of the Sith which I also thoroughly enjoyed. So all in all it was a great weekend.

:-) M

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


RHCP Lyric of the Day: A wanna be gangster thinking he's a wise guy, rob another bank he's a sock 'em in the eye guy

I'm back... well for now. I don't want ya all to go taking me for granted and such. Let it be known I could disappear again at anytime. Look out!

Well the weather is awesome! I'm loving it. And... I don't have to go out tonight. I am going to go home, and do the dishes (if Andrew hasn't) then cook tea and then sit on the couch ALL NIGHT! Woo! And maybe we'll light the fire, although it's not really that cold.

Last night I had my second sewing class and I managed to severely injure myself. I pricked my thumb with a pin. Now don't laugh. It still hurts! And I think it's getting infected. I'm guessing within the next week or so they'll probably have to amputate my thumb. Luckily it's on my right hand.

Um no other news. I'm quite distressed about O'Neil. He hasn't shown up. Kirsty and Andrew are telling me to look in the couches... but I think I'll wait a little longer before taking such drastic measures. Oh and I hope everyone who went enjoyed Star Wars last night!

:-) M

ps I'm saving the three questions and I'll answer them tonight probably.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Still no post sorry, but feel free to ask questions for ask Mindy Wednesday.

:-) M

Monday, May 16, 2005


Hi all,

Sorry because of people advertising on my blog I have been forced to change the settings so only registered users can comment on this blog. That means that you'll just have to create a profile to comment... it doesn't have to be fancy or have a picture or anything.

Just go to http://www.blogger.com/start you don't need to create a blog just do the first step and create an account.

:-) M


Sunday, May 15, 2005


Hi folks, the blog is taking a temporary break for a few days. Feel free to still use it as a place of discussion, however there will be no new posts. M

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Almost the weekend!

RHCP Lyric of the Day: Born to adore the big bad bison

Good morning everyone! It's all yucky and hot in my office.... but that's ok. I had a lovely evening last night Darren came an dpicked me up and we went for a drive over the hill to the harbour, then we drove around looking at the pretty lights and stuff. It made me miss Church Bay a bit, so if no one is using the house I'm going to go over and stay Saturday night.

Other than that I don't have much planned for the weekend. I need to get some bits and pieces done, but hopefully it will be a bit quiet unlike last weekend. Might be going out with Rach, Kim and Helen tonight but I'll have to see how things go.

Have a nice Friday everyone.

BTW you all suck, no one told me any thing else that was fun to do AND say. Snorkel is still the best I reckon.

:-) M

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Things that are fun to say and fun to do!

RHCP Lyric of the Day: No I can not keep my mouth shut
Here is my list of things that are fun to say and do:


Ok it's not a very big list... does anyone else have anything they think is especially fun to say and do? I know this sounds like a kindergarten lesson, but I am geuninely very interested!

In my life. I had my first sewing class last night. It was fun the people were all very nice. I took up my jeans and the lady said I did a very neat job. I can't decide whether to make a dressing gown or some pants though. I think I'll make the pants. And Kirsty is back at the flat! Already! Yay!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

And today is meeting day at work... I love meeting day!

:-) M

ps Adam Nick told me you were moudly belly button lint and were too cheap to ever buy me a present (even a small one), and Nick Adam told me you were an ingrown toenail and didn't have enough class to ever buy me a present. What are you boys going to do about this?!


1. Why is Larry so Happy? (Amy)

Dear Amy, Lara is thought to refer to an Australian boxer, Larry Foley, who lived from 1847 to 1917. It's said that he was never defeated, retired as a champion, was relatively well off and lived to 70. I guess he was pleased with his life's outcome! The phrase "Happy as Larry" is thought to originate in Australia or New Zealand around that time, although the first official record of it was by a New Zealand writer named G L Meredith, who wrote in about 1875: "We would be as happy as Larry if it were not for the rats". This doesn't discount the theory about Larry Foley, but it is possible there is another explanation.

2. Why does everyone like Carl? (Andrew)

Dear Andrew, Everyone likes Carl because his name reminds them of the name Carlos, and everyone loves Carlos who is my Rooster Clock!

3. Is it better to be right or to be happy? (slartibartfast)

Dear slartibartfast, In my opinion it is better to be happy. Because I've been wrong many times but been happy about it. And sometimes you are sure of something bad, and then you find you were wrong and then you can be happy!

4. Question, why do women complain about guys checking them out, then buy Jeans with ROXY written on the ass? (BHN)

Dear BHN, first of many women don't buy stupid overpriced Roxy clothes. But secondly the reason is remarkedly simple: a) Women like to complain and b) Women like to look sexy. This may confuse you, that is our intention.

5. What does sassy mean? (Adam)

Dear Adam, sassy means vigourouse, lively, saucy etc full of spirit!

6. can you please tell me the gender and number of siblings for your mum, and your mum's mum, and if you can possibly, your mum's mum's mum? (laraCroft)

Dear Lara, for now I can only tell you about my Mum, but once I've talked to her I should be able to answer your question fully. My Mum has 4 siblings 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I think my Grandma just had one brother but I'm not sure. Why do you ask?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ask Me!!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hi all! No post today, just start firing questions at me if you have any. The answers will be up for tomorrow.

:-) M

Monday, May 09, 2005

Meet the cast...

RHCP Lyric of the Day: Me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my friends

Um I guess alphabetically would be the way to go. And this looks like it's going to be quite long so you can just skip to the people you care about.

Adam: Right well honestly I don't really "know" Adam. But I have met him twice. And he is a good friend of my very good friend Nick. And I read his webpage everyday (despite the fact the updates are considerably less frequent ;-) ) and so sometimes I feel like I'm stalking him since I read about his life but don't really see him in person. But he does work with me although in a completely different building. And I can just tell he's sassy. Haha Adam I called you sassy!

Amy: Amy is my blister. Oops I mean sister. She is in her third year at uni doing economics honours (I know that doesn't add up third year - honours but it's true!). She is lovely. And she loves Disney A LOT. And she's not very good at giving objective views about Disney related things. She also is very passionate about movies in general. And she generously lets me use her projector on occasion and lets me borrow dvds all the time. I think she has more than our video shop. Oh and she's funny, and has proven to know almost as much Monty Python as me.

Andrew: Andrew is my cousin and flatmate. He has an impeccable sense of humour (due to the fact that it is almost completely inline with my own). He hails from Rotorua. He is a software Engineer at a company about 3 doors down the road from where I work. So sometimes at lunch we plan blog pranks which are probably only ever understood by ourselves and Kirsty (see below). And he plays the guitar, and likes Monty Python and Stargate is his most favourite TV show ever. He loves it passionately and always has.

BHN: (Big Hairy Nick) Nick is a big old friend from High School. I have known him since I was 15 I think. Which is a long time. He is one of the best guys I know. (Andrew is another of the best guys I know). Nick is doing a masters in something... um I'm not sure I know what tho, he seems to do lots of experiments tho. And he is a kung fu blackbelt... and to my surprise didn't really show me much mercy during a drunken demonstration on my bus trip last year (although fair enough, he did spend a large proportion of the evening looking sorry for himself after hurting his ankle). He also possibly has the best social skills I've ever seen.

Boris the Ostrich: Boris is an Ostrich. I don't know too much about him, except that he is not George who is my Ostrich friend that sits on our mantelpiece at the flat (he is a soft toy). Also public opinion seems to be that Boris is a dork. I guess he does look a bit dorky.

Bradley: Bradley is our cat. Well Kirsty's cat. But he lives with us. Despite the fact that Bradley looks so cute, and he gives great cuddles I didn't know how cynical and sharp he was until I started reading his posts. I guess he's just a manipulative juvenile delinquent. But he is really lovely. I wish he wouldn't try and run away.

Darren: Ok Darren never comments here. But since he is talked about he gets a mention too. Darren is my boyfriend of 16 months. He is an apprentice builder. We met at Shooters just after Christmas and he just wouldn't leave me alone after that ;-) He can be very very sweet and is funny and creative and has so many talents. Oh and he does kung fu too. And sometimes Dave Navarro looks exactly like him.

John F: Is probably the most famous person to comment on my blog. He is the most brilliant guitarist in the world. He happens to be the guitarist from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as well. His music has changed my life and it is such a privilege and honour that he comments on my blog.

God: God is the second most famous person to comment here. Hehe actually he is probably slightly more famous than John. I don't know too much about God either, as she hasn't talked about herself too much. She also hasn't commented in awhile and is dearly missed.

Killer Chicken: Some semi anonymous, very angry poultry.

Killer Sparrow: Seems to be a smaller version of the chicken.

Kirsty: My cousin and other flatmate (there's three of us). She is actually Andrew's elder sister. She has just moved to Christchurch this year... and much like I took an immense liking to Andrew when I got to know him last year when he moved here the same thing happened with Kirsty. It must have helped that she is really really really cool and also we're the two most beautiful girls in the world equally. Together we make the flat quite noisy... which is funny coz if Andrew tries to play his guitar during an important TV program he gets quickly shushed. Kirsty is in hospital at the moment for a short time, but when she's not she works for ecan, smelling gross things, and fining them if it smells too gross (or something like that).

LaraCroft: Well I suspect this is actually Lara Rennie one of my very best friends who is currently living in Auckland working for Beca as a software engineer/developer thing. We met after 2nd year over summer while we were both working in the Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group at Canterbury University and then went through to do computer science honours together. Lara is one of the loveliest people around, but she is quite hard to keep up with :-D

Oatmeal: My pet rock, who is actually called O'NEIL! For some reason he thinks it's funny to call himself Oatmeal. He is actually missing at the moment, I refuse to believe he's run away, I suspect foul play (maybe killer chicken has something to do with it... hehehe).

The Real Oatmeal: A bowl of Oatmeal. What more can I say?

TSauce: This is where I think my blog went from hilarious to ridiculous... but I love ridiculous so TSauce is very welcome anytime.

If I missed anyone it's probably because you didn't have a pretty picture. Also I had a dream about killer chicken last night. And remember tomorrow is ask Mindy day. So if there's anything at all bothering you... I'm here to advise you!

:-) M

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Post is Here

RHCP Lyric of the Day: Do you feel that you're fading too soon?

Ok well I'm not cold anymore but I'm still tired and what I really want is to go to bed. I have a feeling (a sick feeling) that I may be sick. I'm am hoping it is some kind of internal thing as opposed to something you catch - maybe a response to something I ate - just because I won't be able to visit Kirsty in hospital if I'm sick. I probably won't today anyway just to be safe.

But yeah weekend was good. Birthday was nice. Went to a housewarming on Friday night which was quite a different sort of night. Different group of people to usual but still fun. Then Saturday night went to a birthday party... showed up at 10 and the birthday girl had already left for some reason. If you think that is strange you should hear about the rest of the party. But you won't hear it here because I just can't be bothered.

On Saturday morning Andrew and I decided that since Kirsty was away we'd try and make the cozy room as messy as possible, so we did. The rest of the day if we had some rubbish, an empty food packet etc we just threw it on the floor. We also decided it wouldn't be properly filthy unless there was also food on the floor... so I chucked some pineapple into the room (admittely it was still in a can, I'm not that much of a pig). Anyway then we went and visited Kirsty and she was good. Then Sunday morning I cleaned up the mess (it was driving me crazy) and then we went to see Kirsty again.

And tomorrow I'm going to do character profiles for some of the major contributors to comments on the blog. Most have probably already figured out who is who, but it will be done regardless.

Also I'm closing the comments for last week's posts now.

:-) M

Thursday, May 05, 2005


RHCP Lyric of the Day: Walking on your tiptoes, don't try no doze, you'd better stay away from those that play around a firehose.


For some reason whenever I'm trying to think of a new lyric of the day the first thing that comes into my head is "look and see and I think you'll agree, nobody weird like me"... maybe that should be interpreted somehow. Anyway I'm not sure if I've used it or not but I thought I'd better think of another one - and despite this one actually being a Bob Dylan lyric, it is from one of my favourite RHCP covers ever so it stays.

Anyway I don't think there's anything special about today at all. Nope, can't think of a thing!

Last night went out for desert with Kim, Rach, Helen, and Michiko and it was lovely! Nice to see everyone as it had been awhile. Also hugs to Kirsty for today (no doubt you will notice her absence from the blog over the next week or so).

Yay enjoy the last day of the working week everyone!

:-) M

ps I'd like to encourage anonymous people not to be so anonymous ;-) you know who you are... and you know that we know who you are... so if you're tempted to be anonymous, for gods sake, just pretend to be Amy instead (coz that really annoys her!) or take on the persona of some aggressive animal, or even an inanimate object (shout out to TSauce!).

pps Monty Python quotations are strongly encouraged to be coordinated into comments (shout out to Killer Chicken and his/her not so worthy opponent Killer Sparrow).

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


RHCP Lyric Of the Day: Power of the equality, it's not yet what it ought to be.

I got my present from Kirsty and Andrew last night... need I say anymore??

(ps Thanks for all the questions yesterday... I am happy to say I have answered them all so check out the answers post to see if you missed any answers)

pps 1 sleep to my birthday!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Hi, I'll update this post as I answer more questions... and I intend to stand by my guarantee that by tomorrow every question will be answered! However, I won't be answering the questions in order.

1. Why won't my godfather buy me a duck? (Bradley)

Dear Bradley, I believe the reason your godfather won't buy you a duck is because he just doesn't understand how important it is to you to share a bond of this nature (ie a duck giver, duck receiver relationship). But don't worry I have a feeling he will come around in time, in the meantime just continue to show him love and respect and you two will be fine.

2. Why doesn't your mother buy the damn thing herself? (Bradley's godfather)

Dear Bradley's godfather, The reason Bradley's mother won't buy the duck herself is because she wants this exchange to strengthen the relationship between the two of you. She wants to see you grow closer... sure she could just bestow this amazing gift on Bradley bt he already loves her to death. It is really a gift to you that she is allowing you to be the duck purchaser.

3. Why won't you call me by my correct name? Are you ashamed of me? Also how would I get 3 elephants and a pink hippo in a fridge? (Oatmeal)

Dear O'Neil, YOUR NAME IS NOT OATMEAL! Your correct name is O'Neil, and I am only ashamed of you when you start using that ridiculous false name. As for the elephants and hippos there will be none of that young man, you are grounded (but use a really big fridge otherwise).

4. Hi there, I had a really busy weekend and I need to know what the best way of disposing of dead hookers is? (Anonymous and BHN)

Dear sick people. The best way of disposing of dead hookers is to collect them up, shove them in your car, then take them round to the person who asked about the Liverpool fan.

5. I have a friend who's a huge Liverpool fan. Liverpool just won something and he won't shut up about it. How can I get him to shut up, short of killing him? (Anonymous)

Dear friend of Liverpool fan. Shortly you should be receiving a large consignment of dead hookers. Take these round to your friend's house when he's not there and hide them in his basement. Then give the police an anonymous tipoff. A life sentence in prison should shut your friend up for awhile.

6. What is inflationary bias, with special reference to central bankers using discretion to set monetary policy. If you could incoporate the time inconsistency problem into your answer that would be fabe. (Alan Greenspan)

Dear Alan, the answer to your question is 42 + or - 3.5 (to allow for time inconsistency)

7. I have a question, who is this anonymous person? (Anonymous)

Dear mysterious friend, the answer to your question is you!

8. Am I still banned? I get cranky when prevented from doing as I wish. You dont want a cranky Ostrich on your hands - no siree, Billy Bob.(Which, BTW, is NOT a girls name). (Boris the Ostrich)

Dear Boris, No you are no longer banned. But if you refer to Billy Bob as a strictly only male name again I shall be forced to reconsider my position.

9. Why am I so hot?And why, dear god, do I never take off my shirt? (Daniel Jackson and Kirsty)

Dear Daniel and Kirsty, well I have to admit it is so incredible how hot you are that I was stumped for an answer, so I turned to a being slightly more intelligent than myself and asked God. She said that you were a gift from herself to all the female Stargate fans in the world to make up for the fact that there are only bastard male writers writing Stargate. Which brings me to the second part of your question, the reason you never take your shirt off is because of the bastard male writers of Stargate... if there was a female on the team you know your shirt would be off at least 77% of the time!

10. Do we regard utility as the quality of the experience or expectations being fulfilled? (Uryia)

Dear Uryia, we regard utility as the quality of experiencing the fulfilment of expectations.

11. So does that mean we need simply lower our expectations in order to increase utility while consuming a smaller number of goods, thus violating the concept of monotonicity (note, the careful use of the word good as opposed to a "bad" or a "neutral" (Uyria)

Dear Uyria, that is a good try I can see you have some understanding of the situation. But unfortunately you don't quite have this problem under control. Let me explain... What we need to do in order to increase utility is lower our quality fulfilment of expecting experience whilst violating the birdie dance and consuming un-neutral cheesecake.

12. Who are YOU calling a slag. (The Real Oatmeal)

Dear The Real Oatmeal, I was calling no one a slag, but I believe that Oatmeal was calling you a slag. Hope this answers your question.

13. Why is giving up a habit suddenly called "going cold turkey"? (Boris the Ostrich)

Dear Boris, In ancient times the phrase "going cold turky" was in reference to when turkeys (ancient turkeys, not these wussy modern turkeys) would randomly shed all their feathers. Local townspeople would see this and yell out "Hey you're going cold Turkey". This became especially more frequent as the winter months approached. Around this time a group of humans started the first nudist colony, where much like the turkeys giving up their feathers, these hardy folk would discard their clothes and live in all their natural splendor. And like the turkeys these people would get cold, and highlighting their similarity with the turkeys (whilst also insulting the nudists) , clothed people would yell "you're going cold turkey". From here I think you can see how the act of giving up everything all at once (be it a smoking habit or shedding all ones clothes) became known as going cold turkey.

14. Who is Darren oxo? (Killer Chicken)

Dear Killer Chicken, Darren oxo? Refers to my boyfriend Darren and then I was sending a special oxo message to him, which means hug kiss hug (I mean duh!).

15. Who is killer chicken? (Andrew)

Dear Andrew, Killer Chicken is the blog commentor who asked me who Darren oxo? was (see above).

16. Why do girls go to the bathroom together? (BHN)

Dear Bhn, there are two answers to this question. Answer A: Because in all girls bathrooms there's a hot sexy Daniel Jackson lookalike, who is willing to have three, four or five-somes. Answer B: Girls go to the bathroom together because girls like to talk. A lot. And sometimes privately. And sometimes in clubs etc (a common place for girls to go to the bathroom together) the bathroom is the only place they can talk. Another reason is because if someone else is going to the bathroom a girl may think "if I go now I won't need to go later by myself" and then they have company whilst travelling to and from the bathroom. Which makes perfect sense and I don't know why you didn't figure it out yourself.

17. Why are buttons (as in remote control) named the same thing as buttons (as in shirt)? (Boris the Ostrich)

Dear Boris, it is a little known fact that both TV remote buttons (and any push button of that nature) and shirt buttons were actually named after chocolate buttons... due, of course, to the similarity in their shape. Buttons have since evolved to many different shapes, but originally they were all round, and often chocolate coloured, just like chocolate buttons.

18. Do you do any work at all anymore Mindy? (Lara Croft)

Dear Lara, yes. I answered one or two questions for about 2 minutes each hour... which left a lot of time for working unfortunately. And I also answered a large number after work.

19. Why is it that green tea is brown? (TSauce)

Dear TSauce, green tea is brown because in days gone by Queen Victoria was given a gift of green tea by the Chinese Amabassor. Unfortunately the translator on duty that day was high on opium and also not very good at their job in general, and they incorrectly translated the word "brown" to "green". After that the Queen invariably called the tea green tea, and no one wanted to make her look stupid by correcting her and so it stuck.

Ask Marvelous Mindy TODAY!!!

RHCP Lyric of the Day:Psychic spies in China try to steal your mind's elation

Hello! Firstly I'd like to mention that I got a new pet last week! I can't believe I neglected to inform you of this sooner. Anyway his name is O'Neil after Jack O'Neil on Stargate. I wanted to call him T'ealc but I'm saving that name for the puppy I'm going to get when I've got a house. Anyway O'Neil, is a great pet rock! He's so cute! Also he has some very special talents... he can hang out in fire for a good half hour and come out without a scratch! (Or burn) although he did turn slightly pink but I can't figure out why in the world that would be. Anyways...

Tonight is my flat birthday party! Woo hoo! We're going to Cobb & Co and we're going to order traffic lights (or maybe pink panthers or blue lagoons). Well that's the plan. It should be great.

I'm looking forward to seeing all your questions... except maybe Nick's which I'm a bit scared of after his query yesterday. And possibly Andrew's might be a bit silly.

And hi to Darren! oxo who doesn't have a modem in his computer at the moment (he's very patient and lets his girlfriend muck around with his computer hardware, and then lose components) so doesn't get to read this very often, but I'm sure he'll be as excited as me that I got in total SEVENTY-THREE comments yesterday. That kicks Dave Navarro's ass!

2 sleeps till my birthday!!!

:-) M

Ask Marvelous Mindy

Hi all.

Just a quick note as I wanted to bring to your attention Wednesday is now going to be "Ask Marvelous Mindy" day. So prepare any of those troublesome, worrying, or interesting queries you have about love, life and beyond and comment on tomorrow's blog and I guarantee to answer them all by Thursday morning. (Music related question especially appreciated, no ostrich questions will be tolerated).

:-) M

Monday, May 02, 2005


RHCP Lyric of the Day: Say it out loud I'm freaky styley And I'm proud!

Good morning everyone!

Sorry the blogger site seems to be down this morning, so I'm writing this before work and I'll post it as soon as I can... which if you're reading this would have already happened, but oh well.

I'd just like to say thanks for everyone's contributions yesterday. I thought it was quite hilarious and at more than one point I laughed out loud. Plus for a large proportion of the day I had more comments on my blog than Dave Navarro did on his! Woo hoo!

I don't really have much more to say today. I'm tired and my eyes are sleepy and I want to go home and go back to bed. And maybe watch Scrubs...

Ok have a nice day!

3 sleeps to my birthday!!

:-) M

ps I forgot to say that last night I had a dream where Kirsty came to my work in a panic because the flat horse was having medical problems. So we rushed out and got Andrew and then got attacked by a swarm of bees.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


RHCP Lyric of the Day: The one who listens to the surf can feel the pulse beat of the earth

Good morning! It's lovely and warm in Christchurch today with a high of 17 degrees expected. Woo hoo! Plus I was up to see the sun come up, it was very beautiful.

My weekend was great. I saw Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on Saturday night. It was the best movie ever! Bearing in mind I haven't read the books... and for someone who has read the books it may not have been. Needless to say I am eagerly awaiting reading the books... coz if they are better then the movie, well I just might not be able to handle it!

And Friday night I had a nice peaceful evening. Mum, Dad and Amy came round to visit which was great. And Sunday Darren went shopping with me. And he lasted about 40 minutes which was a terrific effort! :-D

Oh and this picture is a lovely picture by Roy Lichtenstein.

Lastly just wanted to mention:

4 sleeps to my birthday!!

:-D M