Thursday, September 15, 2005


I wasn't sure if I'd have time to write today, as it's already 8.33, but our systems are down at work so I can't even start my work anyway! Well there's stuff I can do and I'll do it soon :-)

Anyway I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. I looked completely different, I think I was like 8 or something, with dark hair. But here's the strange part, I had a huge bald spot on top - just like a man would. So anyway in my dream I was getting ready to go somewhere are trying to do my hair which wasn't looking great due to the bald spot. Anyway I had the bright idea to put it in a pny tail to cover up the bald spot - now this wouldn't work in real life unless you had hair at the front of your head, which I didn't, but this wasn't real life it was a dream and so it worked. Although I had to spend quite some time looking for a bobble.

Anyway had a nice evening last night, my first at home in AGES. I just did lots of work and relaxing and had a bath and it was splendid. Plus Andrew and I had delicious fish and chips for tea. Mmmm.

Love from
Little Miss Mindy


Mindy said...

No, no not liquor... hot chocolates all round!

The Hoff is beginning to scare me.

amy said...

i just walked out on my tutorial
girl power!

amy said...

what are you complaining about?

Mindy said...

Awesome Nick! You go girl!

And also why did you walk out Amy?

amy said...

they hadn't prepared

Mindy said...

What a mean ass!

Well I've got roughly 1 hour and 50 minutes till I'd feel comfortable going home, and Colin and I have just realised the client doesn't actually know what they want for the change I'm working on. And since they're tucked up in bed at the moment now I'm going to have to wait till Monday before going any further with the change.

So I have to find something vaguely productive to do on this lovely Friday afternoon. Wish me luck!