Sunday, September 04, 2005


Just because I know you're all depserately waiting to find out. Yes I did go to the gym on Friday afternoon. And I went and I worked really hard and so I'm not as lazy as I thought I was, which is pleasantly surprising.

Also as you might have gathered, I finally saw Sin City. Now as I predicted I really really loved this movie. I thought it was brilliant. And yes I am biased. But still I thought it was great. Apart from when the blood was white, because then it just looked like birdshit, but apart from that, genius!

No other news of great consequence. I also saw Starsky and Hutch which was good but not great, and definitely no Dodgeball (which incase you haven't hear is a movie which I thought was wonderful!) Saw the family briefly on Sunday night which was nice, it's been a while since the "Marshall" clan has got topgether.

Hope you had awonderful weekend!

Love Little Miss Mindy Moo Cow

ps I just worked out last night I will actually be here for Amy's birthday... very tired and jet lagged probably but in Chch! Woo!

pps Happy Birthday Lara!!!


Mindy said...

Yeah for sure. I loved Elijah Wood's character, can't remember his name though, that was wicked.

amy said...

and the hand!
that was totally cool

clive owen was definately the best

Mindy said...

Yeah Marv was my favourite too... I liked that storyline the best. Kevin was his name, I just checked :-)

Oh and was Benicio Del Torro wearing a fake nose? Or a fake chin? Or both? I disturbed me hugely to see him not quite looking like he normally does. Either that or he's had plastic surgery... god knows why!

amy said...

Dwight was the best and had the best storyline i reckon

Mindy said...

Why do you love Clive Owen so much Amy? What else has he been in?

amy said...

he was in closer
king arthur
gosford park
and a lot of other movies that i haven't seen

he is a real man! just look at him

Mindy said...

THANK GOODNESS! My research has just confirmed that Benicio is indeed wearing a fake nose to make him look more like his character... and so his wonderful wonderful face is hopefully still in tact as I remember it. :-)

I should see Closer I think.

amy said...

it wasn't that good.
like it was artistic or something but it was a little screwed up

amy said...

it wasn't that good.
like it was artistic or something but it was a little screwed up

Mindy said...

Amy can I be a princess at your party, either that or a whore?

amy said...

we will see
i should buy the game soon to see what characters there are
most of them seem to be reasonably every day

amy said...

becky was played by alexis bleidel off gilmore girls- i thought she was really good too

jessica alba was good as well though

Mindy said...

I liked Brittany Murphy, I don't feel there were any major female characters in the same way there were major male characters. The female characters really weren't as cool as the male ones, not as weird, or whacky, or interesting - the only one who was such was Miho, otherwise I feel the female characters were pretty weak and normal and you'd find them in any movie.

LaraCroft said...

Thanks Mindy!

Thanks Nick!

I am having a really nice day.
Mum and Dad sent me flowers. And we have a company-wide afternoon tea and speeches at 3pm so I've basically finished work already!

Yes Amy, I'm sure you're wishing me a happy birthday on the inside :)