Monday, September 26, 2005


Well, I have sad news. In the last, say 12 hours I've found out my beloved little sister Amy has a problem. I'm surprised I've never noticed this before! But, despite being practically a genius and winning all kinds of scholarships and what not, and almost having completed an honours degree in Economics, Amy, bless her wee soul, cannot think for herself. Honestly that girl must have asked me 50+ questions since I got home from work yesterday!

I started noticing it while we were making earrings last night. Now you all know me, I'm not actually a jeweller by trade, and I haven't even made more than one pair of earring before. However, despite the fact that Amy has a head on her shoulders at least as good as mine she ran everything past me before doing it, and asked me how to do everything! I don't know! I just make it up as I go along! It's not rocket science!

This morning I reached my breaking point, I know it didn't take long. And when she asked me whether or not she should put her earrings on before biking to uni, or once she got to uni, or during the day at uni I snapped. I am now not answering any of her questions. Sorry Ame, you're a smart girl, you can figure these things out for yourself! Love you though...

Love from
Little Miss Mindy


amy said...

do you really think I ask a lot of questions?
do you?
do you?

Anonymous said...

More spam genius:

Real So'uth African Hoodia

Have you heard the latest on TV such as 60mins and Oprah?
Its H00DIA, the great discovery from South Africa. If you
struggle with weight then you need to look into how Hoodia
is what you need

Real South African Hoodia

Not all of us have to deal with this issue so let me know

"I wouldn't say he's cheap, but mine is one of the few wedding rings that decodes secret messages."

Anonymous said...

The end is simply perfect.

Mindy said...

Hey Andy Pandy,
I reckon when you finished being a computer guy you should get a new job analysing spam... I've never seen anyone so fascinated by it as you. :-)

amy said...

do you think i should submit my cv in times new roman or book antiqua?

Mindy said...

No comment

amy said...

cool thank you for answering minnie

i love these earrings and I stand by my decision to put them in at uni

also, it is definately not too cold for the romans. I feel just fine.

Mindy said...

Haha that doesn't make sense.

What happened was I told Amy to use Times New Roman, BUT I had misread her comment and thought she was talking about her thesis and I thought it was a legitimate question. For her cv I decided it was not and she could decide on her own so I deleted my previous comment (which Amy must have seen) and replaced it with no comment. So that's why Amy said thanks for answering when it appears I didn't actually answer.

amy said...

who are you explaining that to minnie? There are not many people commenting today...

no, I am hand writing my honours thesis in calligraphy

Mindy said...

I'm explaining it to the world!

Good luck with the calligraphy then! Did you know Kim's Mum took at calligraphy course at the same place I do my sewing course (I'm pretty sure it was calligraphy). Anyway they started off with a reasonable sized class, but by the end of the term there were only two people left because it was too stressful! Kim said her Mum said that the lady who ran it got grumpy with her for not doing her homework! Silly eh?

amy said...

I thought you were talking about Claire's Kym for a minute. Silly huh?

Yeah that is really stupid to get cross at someone.

Mindy said...

Ha ha you're silly.

It's also funny how both Kim's live on the same street (I won't say which one because they may not like that info published on the net)

amy said...

Yes, I love having my inability to make simple decisions for myself published on the net.

Mindy said...

Oh but I did it in such a loving way! You're not really upset are you?

amy said...

i guess it is kinda funny
and really true

i don't think i can leave next year eh?

Mindy said...

Oh you'll be able to leave if that's what you want. Infact it will probably be really god for you.

Anyway that kind of behaviour is very typical of libras.

Mindy said...

Yay! Welcome!

Also I'm finding this word verification increasingly tricky... should I be worried?

amy said...

sometimes if my word it too hard i push enter and the word changes to an easier one


amy said...


Mindy said...

Why not?

Anonymous said...

The first law of the Hoff is that you do not question the Hoff.

Mindy said...

I thought that was the first law of Stargate?

Anonymous said...

I love eating rancid cauliflower.


Smells like my face.

amy said...

i prefer brocoli

Mindy said...

What fulfilling and enlightening conversations we have here! ;-)

amy said...

my point exactly adam. you summed up all my mornings work so well.

amy said...

green bananas also contributed too. They cried when I forgot to mention them in my acceptance speech so I am given them my gratitude now (for everyone to see).

Big ups dudes and dudets

Mindy said...

Hey Linds,

Yeah I have another little sister Claire, who is 7 years younger than me so that's a similar gap to you and your sister. I've found now that she's older (she's 16 now) it's much easier to bond, like now we enjoy the same movies, can go shopping etc. It's great it's like having two permanent friends that will always be there!

LaraCroft said...

I think Book Antiqua is a lot nicer. We use it at work for all our documents (I hope that isn't a company secret)

Earrings - if they're dangly, then once you arrive at uni. Otherwise, before biking.

hey Min - I commented on an earlier post too. Maybe Friday's.

And the cake was cool. How did it taste?

Back to you Amy - of course you can leave - you learn by doing. Leave, and you'll be able to. There will be times when you get homesick, but it will make you stronger and you'll get through it :) And there will be times when it's really fun.

Mindy said...

Hey Lara, that's so funny I was just writing you an email and then you commented! I'm writing it to your gmail address so check it sometime :-)