Monday, September 05, 2005

Amy's Birthday

Hello everyone!

Amy is having a murder mystery for her 21st birthday party. Isn't that awesome? That's why I asked if I could be a princess or a whore yesterday. I'm not sure what would suit me better, because really there's a little of both in me. Hehe.

Anyway I'm so very very excited about Amy's birthday! She has delivered most of her invitations I believe. They were delivered message in a bottle style, with a very cool pirate looking invitation within (along with some sand, shells, glittery stars etc). One reason I'm so excited is because I only realised last night that I'll actually be able to make it! I am due to leave Doncaster, England on Thursday evening, which should mean I'll arrive back here in Christchurch Saturday midday, in time for her party at 7.30pm! Now I'm not saying I won't be completely buggered and jet-lagged because I will be. Although maybe that'll just make me a better party goer, because I'll still be on England time, and that'll be like 8.30 in the morning, so I might be extra hyped and engergetic!

Also I'm excited because I started Amy's present in the weekend. Which for obvious reasons I can't tell you what it is. But anyway before I started I hadn't really planned it at all or anything, and I had no idea how long it was going to take, but now I've actually started and have a firm plan I can see I'll definitely get it done and I'm so pysched about it! Actually on Sunday night I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming a really good idea for it.

And today I going to the doctor. To hopefully get some more asthma medication. Which is good, because it helps me breathe, which I'm finding especially difficult with the coming of spring and hayfevery type symptoms, but it's bad because it costs so much money to go to the doctor. And I have to pay my bill from last time I was there as well, so it'll be like forking out $100 in one go! Oh well, that's life. I reogranised my budget yesterday to account for my UK trip, as I figure I'll need extra spending money especially as I also dreamed on Sunday night that I found this really awesome pair of jeans over there. Actually this is really geeky but what I'd really like to buy over there is some material, as I'm pretty much over the selection in the few fabric shops in Christchurch. That would be superb! I'll have to find out from Kirsty if she knows of any good fabric shops in London, there's bound to be at least one!

Also I've found the ugliest car in the world, I'll try and get a picture for tomorrow.

Love to all,

Little Miss Mindy


amy said...

a blog pretty much dedicated to me
i must say i am honoured

Mindy said...

Yeah I was going to find a picture of you too - but I didn't have any on my computer. Maybe next time. We can post tons of pictures after the party.

amy said...

we sure can babe!
i emailed my supervisor this morning in a tone that he cannot ignore. i feel rude but maybe he is one of those people

Mindy said...

Oh yes that really is Amy, I just wanted to find a pic of her where she wasn't pulling quite such a face.

Good luck Nick!

amy said...

yes good luck nic
and you know about me in photos- with my teeth this goregeous i just have to smile!

LaraCroft said...

Nick are you not working at kbs anymore? Did the hours just get to you?
Anyway Amy that is so exciting! But I have to admit I'm sad I'm not invited :( I went to a murder mystery thing near Ferrymead for a party for Karen, my flatmate when I lived at Suva St. (2nd year uni). And I was an archeologist. And I didn't know anyone but I had such a good time - the thing is that it makes you talk to people, but it's weird cos they're not being them.. but it's really really fun!!!! yah!! SO that's a super idea Amy.

I had a really good birthday thanks everyone. Thanks for all the text messages. Work is so good today, I wrote a list of things to investigate and I am doing really well.

Ok better get back to it. Oh and someone from work baked a cake for me and brought it in today, it has pink icing! And it's chocolate. And very yummy. Isn't life wonderful everyone! I am so excited. Oh and Min guess what! You inspired me... I went for a run last night! I haven't done that for at least a year. I ran up and down the hills of Ponsonby. I only lasted 14 min but that's ok. Karthik and I might find a nice forest to run in sometime over the weekend.

Mindy said...

I was just at home, after going to the doctor, and Dr Phill was on. Sometimes it makes me cry - how pathetic am I? Anyway today was about this couple who were trying to adopt a child, and these two pregnant girls had seen them on a previous show and were thinking about giving them their babies.

One of the girls was 22 and in her last year at college. I was quite surprised she was giving away her baby. I mean I don't know much about her situation at all and I'm definitely not saying she is doing the wrong thing, but I couldn't imagine giving away a baby now, and I'm 23 only a year older than her.

Adam I'm sorry to hear about your sandwich, couldn't you have scraped some off?

Mindy said...

Oooh it sounds delicious, but I agree with Adam, it does seem a little wrong.

Gosh I'm tired! I'm sleeping really badly at the moment, last night I had a stressful dream about leaving my car lights on.

amy said...

it is a shame you are gong away minnie or i could have commissioned you to mmake my birthday cake

Mindy said...

Yeah that is a shame! I would have made a cool one too! Maybe Claire will cook you a chicken instead.

amy said...

you could make me one for my actual birthday?

Mindy said...

Yeah I could!

LaraCroft said...

Hey Min.

Go here:

there is a photo of a 'matt powell' but he isn't the one that went to canty. Interesting though huh! A common name in cosc?

Yes, I'm investigating web services. Work is so interesting today! I think my enthusiasm may be slightly magnified by the coffee i had at lunch time...

Only the cake icing was pink!!!

And hey Amy I can make you a birthday cake! Maybe if I overnighted it there by courier it would make it. Or I could come down Friday night, and make it Saturday morning...

Mindy said...

Hi Lara, yeah that's funny about Matt! We use web services in our project too, but I haven't had much to do with them. Today I'm just working on some boring stuff, yawn, then tomorrow I'll be back to interesting stuff.

Earl and I have been distracting ourselves trying to figure out how to write a much better excel package for jade.

I actually can't wait to get home today. I don't really want to go to the gym tonight, maybe I won't, maybe I'll follow your lead and go for a run instead.

LaraCroft said...

Did you do web services in the distributed applications course last year?

Mindy said...

Yes I did. But most of that course was just spent being frustrated trying to understand Richard. However, I think when I came to studying for them they're not very hard to understand. I've got my notes I think. But in general I've blocked out all memory of that course.

Mindy said...

Lara I miss you! I just thought of that coz of Nick's comment.

LaraCroft said...

I miss you too!!!!

MINDY!!!!!! (that's a howl from Auckland).

Hey work is almost over! And i was having such fun.

I could run home, but I'm wearing a skirt and would look pretty funny. I might go for another run when I get home, although that does seem a little excessive and probably not so fun. I could jump up the stairs instead for some exercise.

I'm listening to a CD I made ages ago and it's great! Previous musical interests today - The Killers, plus random tracks by random artists as supplied by Jenna, and Lauren Hill.

Nick you crack me up. Are you coming to Auck anytime soon either? Cos it'd be cool to see you too if you are... in fact, this invite is also extended to Amy, Kirsty and Andrew. And Adam, although it would be slightly weirder since I've never met you yet. And to the Piece of Cake, and any other blog visitors.

Mindy doesn't need the invitation - she's already coming!!!!! Yah!!!

(Aren't the States already on Defcon 4 because of New Orleans??)

Mindy said...

I've decided I'm not going to the gym tonight, or even going for a run because I'm so busy. Well busy because I want time to put away my washing and do some of Amy's present and do some of Lara's present and do some sewing prep for tomorrow's class and also try and go round to Fen and Klava's. But Lara so you don't think badly of me I'm going to make sure I make a running cassette with all the songs I love to run to (a cassette because my discman got taken).

Excuse my ignorance, but I won't learn if I don't ask, what is Defcon 4?

LaraCroft said...

Anonymous said...

Web Services rock my world. SOAP is cool. WS-* is especially cool.

Distributed security! Transactions!

So does Remoting. That's super cool.

amy said...

johnny depp
super cool
what are you doing thurs evening andrew?

Anonymous said...

Willy Wonka!

Not that I am doing him!
Although who wouldn't!

Not me....


amy said...

i look forward to it
unless i have a mega stress out above having to present to the faculty on fri morning in which case i sincerely apologise in advance