Monday, September 12, 2005


Hello Everyone!

This is Bradley, Kirsty's cat. You may remember his lewd comments on the blog during it's first few weeks. Anyway he's a very lovely friendly cat. He is also very cute. Especially his wee little paws. This became apparent to me this morning when my door wasn't shut and he came into my room and did his usual route. He jumps up onto my desk then on top of my computer montior, then onto my stereo (which always makes that creaking sound that some electronics make when shifted) then sneaks down behind the curtain and then behind the blinds. He stepped over my shoes which for some reason are on my window sill, then he settled down to watch the outside world (my room in street facing). Then I realised how cute his paws are.

But why I'm really writing about Bradley is because his tail bore an uncanny similarity to that little worm on Seasame Street, you know Oscar's friend. I was sitting there watching his ong tail, and it's incredble how much he actually moves it. Then I imagined it had a life of it's own and it became quite amusing. Also I loved that little worm, I thought it was so cute. And Bradley's tail does bear a lot of similarities. They were both orange. They both have stripes (although Bradley's are kind of cream, and I think the worm was red, or something), and they are both kind of lng and skinny.

Anyway maybe I'm mad. Probably. My point remains though, Bradley is cute.

Love from

Little Miss Mindy


Anonymous said...

Thats a groovy weird scan of your profile photo.

Its a all dark and vampish.

Mindy said...

Thanks! Although I'm starting to worry you're cottoning on to my secret life.

Today is going to be awesome! Do you know how many songs I have to choose from to listen to? About fifty billion I'd say!

Anonymous said...


I only have 5000.
I feel like a loser.

Has anyone listened to Demon Days (the new Gorillaz album?). Its great.

I new it would turn out good because I didn't like it the first time I listened to it - a good sign.

Mindy said...

Yes I listened to it last year, 50 squillion times. Ok I'm lying.

I'm glad you like the album though.

I'm listening to A Perfect Circle. I'm not sure why, perhaps just because I'm spoilt for choice and alphabetically it's the first one.

Mindy said...

Yes that is correct, well no album, I do have some individual songs by number bands.

Anyway now I'm listening to Monty Python Sings... which was just a random, "man I should listen to that" decision.

Anonymous said...

Word of advise:

Monty Python Sings is not appropriate work place signalong music.

Mindy said...

What do you mean? I was just singing along quite nicely to "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me", now I'm singing "the Penis song".

Mindy said...

I'm now listening to "Welcome to the Monkey House" by the Dandy Warhols. It's awesome.

Also does anyone know where my CD 13 tales from Urban Bohemia is because I sorely miss it.

Mindy said...

Thanks Adam! I also just had a flash of inspiration and realised it might be in Darren's car... fingers crossed!

I've lost so many things... so many dvds... it's so sad.

amy said...

i have lost my master and commander dvd which is causing me some agnst because it is an awesome movie

Mindy said...

Easy fixed it's on my desk at home Amy!

amy said...

that is the best news i have got all day

Mindy said...

Here's some good news Adam... I'm excited about your election special on your site. I'm hoping it will transform me into a responsible informed voter.

Also here's some more good news... it's almost home time!

Mindy said...

Hey wow! Adam changed pictures... looking pretty spunky there Adam.