Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Post!!

Hello Everybody,

Well it's been kind of a sad week. I won't write about all of it because I'm not sure that's it's right to publish it on my blog - I can't think that it's particularly wrong but I don't feel comfortable because it affects other people a lot more than me. But also to do with me my Grandad is very sick. He's got cancer, and he was in hospital last week but came home just before the weekend, but now he's got sick again and is back in hospital. I've only cried about it once so far which is a bit strange, but I guess he's alive now and generally ok. I cried when Mum rang me up and told me that he was deteriorating and would probably continue to deteriorate very quickly. And I just started thinking about what a wonderful man he is. He's been absolutely wonderful to me and all my family. He is always always doing things for other people. Always bring around food to all his children... like cheeses and yummy stuff. He gave me a box of tuna when I moved into my first flat. But not just his family, he always puts himself out for other people all time. He's on lots of committees and voluntary things like, just always busy. A lot of people will really miss him.

In other news I got a new digital camera, which is exactly the same as the other one so the pictures still aren't great but it's mostly for Darren just to use on his building sites so for $30 I'm not going to complain. It arrived this morning so I decided to test it by taking a few pictures of my new office to show people. One is of the nice little couch area in my office, and the other is my little corner and door out to my balcony.

I don't really have much other news. Lost is on at the moment, so I'm kinda watching it, well listening to it at least. I went for a run when I got home, but not a very long one. I also went home to visit Mum and Dad, actually that's not true I knew they wouldn't be home because they were at the hospital. But I did hang out with Amy for a bit. And stole one of Claire's snack bars. And checking out their pantry I was reminded how they always have stale bread in it. Funny isn't it. They always have at least two bread bags with only one or two pieces of bread left and they're all stale.

Well that's all from me!

Remember to tell the people you love that you love them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I just kick Darren in the head?