Monday, March 06, 2006



Well the weekend has just been. And now it's gone. It was ok. It was freezing cold here on Saturday. So cold I almost froze solid. Just kidding. Not that cold at all. But we did light our fire and it was so toasty and warm in our house. Although I suppose we're probably not allowed to light fires yet (we have a restricted fire season I think). Oh well someone will just have to sue me.

I went and saw Grandad on Sunday. He was doing ok. He has a tube draining the liquid out from around his lungs, and so he has to carry a container around with him to collect the fluid in which is a bit weird to see. But he was good. He had quite a few visitors.

What else happened in the weekend. Well I saw Lara, that was lovely. We went for a walk in the park and played on the swings and the round-a-bout. But it made me feel giddy. I guess I just don't have the stomach I used to have in my younger days.

Well I'm off to the movies tonight. Casanova. I will give you a full report tomorrow.


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