Thursday, March 09, 2006

Tristan and Isolde

Well I went to see Tristan and Isolde with Amy last night (it's a movie). This movie was picked randomly by me based on a shortlist Amy gave me, so I thought given her shortlist any were bound to be good, and this was. I sat down and said to Amy, if this is as bad as Casanova then I'm never going to the movies again. But luckily I was convinced within the first thirty seconds that I was going to like this movie. And I really did. It was a medieval love story but had enough fighting to keep me interested. The characters were convincing and the actors almost flawless (IU think these days I'm sensitve to un-convincing characters). It was based on some old English legend/tale/story thing. But yes I enjoyed it.

Also last night I went along to this running group with Rach. I was a little nervous about the actual running and pace as I've never run with anyone other than Lara and Darren before, but turns out it was fine. So we ran all the way round Hagley park (almost) which was about 40 minutes worth. Then afterwards there was a meeting for a Chch half-marathon training group which I ended up going along to, and so now I think I'll probably end up doing a half marathon in June. Which I'm incredibly excited about!!

Tonight is pizza with Kim and Co to celebrate her and Lennon going away. Just kidding we'll be mourning her leaving, but celebrating her new job and new phase of their life :) Should be fun.

Love from
Little Miss Mindy

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