Tuesday, March 14, 2006



Main Entry: phleg·mat·ic
Pronunciation: fleg-'ma-tik
Function: adjective
1 : resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm
2 : having or showing a slow and stolid temperament
synonym see IMPASSIVE- phleg·mat·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Wow you know I wondered if this word was just what it looked like, but then decided it probably wasn't but it was! Relating to phlegm I mean. But it's pronounced with a hard 'g' whereas phlegm isn't. Go figure. So anyway my nose is feeling rather phlegmatic this morning. Ew!

Anyway I forgot to say, or maybe I didn't forget but I haven't given it enough of a mention. Amy got into the University of British Columbia!!! She has applied to various American and Canadian universities to study there for a phd in economics and she got into this one. It's in Vancouver and I'm so proud of her. I think that's really awesome! She doesn't know if she'll go yet, but just getting accepted is a huge deal!

I went for another long run yesterday, about 50 minutes, but I found it so much harder than on Sunday. Not sure why, my theories are that my legs were sore and tired from biking and also it was a lot hotter yesterday afternoon. Hopefully next time I run it won't be so much of an effort.

Also I watched the first episode of Rome last night. It's another TV show downloaded by Simon at work (thanks!). Earl had been telling me how he's really enjoying it so I was glad I finally got to watch it, and I thought it was great! It was really well done, and interesting. Like you' were watching movie rather than a TV program, but shorter... which is good because I find most movies too long these days. And also I've only watched the first episode... there's more to come!!!!!!

Have a great day, hope it's not too phlegmatic.


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