Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Hi Everyone!

This will be my last update for 2005! Scary eh? I finish work today and don't have a computer at home at the moment so this is it from me till I come back to work on the 9th of January 2006!!!

Anyway first to quickly update from my past few days. Work lunch on Tuesday was nice, I had a steak sandwich - yum! Tuesday night was an extremely exciting evening. Darren and I set up our aquarium. It looks SO great, we are both very happy with it. We bought plants and an ornament and gravel. Now we need to let it sit for a week or so to allow bacteria to start developing before we put the fish in. Last night I met up with my school friends which was great, really don't see them enough. We went out for desert to Blue Jeans Cuisine, which was nice but I thought the deserts were pretty average, like perfectly nice but not special. Susannah is up from Dunedin so it was great to see her.

Today I did the VERY LAST of my Christmas shopping! Woot! It was an awesome effort I must say. And pretty funny too because I went with Earl. We split up and met again 40 minutes later. I had bought 5 presents in that time and he'd bought none. I guess not everyone can be as awesome at shopping as me!

Now Christmas Day will be fun! I haven't decided yet if I'll have lunch with my family or Darrens. And we're having my family for "tea" at our new place. Although it will be most likely just picking at leftovers. I can't wait. Hopefully I can convince my family not to exchange presents till they get to my house but we'll see.

Then we're going to the sounds for a holiday. And so we'll be there for New Years as well. I really can't wait. I love the sounds - well Port Underwood - so much. It's one of the most special places in the world to me. So many wonderful holidays there with family, and waterskiing and sunbathing and going for walks etc oh I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!

I hope you all have a really awesome Christmas and New Years!!!!

Loads of love

ps I almost forgot the most important thing! I had my annual Church going experience on Sunday. Mum and Amy were singing in the choir at their Church and they sounded fantastic. Now I'm not a Christian but I was bought up one so it's always a bit straneg for me going to my old Church, I went through a period of absolutely hating it, but I think I've grown up a bit now and I didn't mind it at all. I've even decided I could possibly get married in a Church, for tradition reasons not for religious reasons, but I know my family, grandparents etc would prefer a Church wedding. Not that I'm getting married anytime soon, it's just something I've always worried about.

1 comment:

LaraCroft said...

Merry Christmas!!

You didn't mention your most important Xmas engagement at Huntsbury tomorrow night.... I can't wait I'm so so so so excited! And Port Underwood! I am so so so jealous. I have a picture of the Sounds on my desk, I look at it and almost cry some days with wanting to be there so much, and I can't see when I'll ever get there again..
But I can't be sad today! Last day of work! ! ! !

Not that I'm doing a lot of work... but I'm trying.. good old stored procedures....