Monday, December 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Omfu.
Apparently it's going to be hot today, not that I'll know it as my office only ever gets to 23 degrees and no hotter. But to everyone who is outside remember to wear sunscreen!

I had a lovely weekend in my new home. The weekend started though at the Jade Christmas BBQ which was a very nice evening. And Adam make a new friend, Dominque, I think he was quite taken with her, I'm sure I heard him exclaim at least twice how cute she was. She seemed pretty interested in him as well, though they didn't talk very much. But she was hanging around him a lot! Anyway after most people had gone home we left and took Adam home where I got a tour of Adam's house which was really messy ;)

The rest of the weekend was good too. Darren spent all Saturday Christmas shopping which is a great sign. I spend the morning (and some of the afternoon) gardening and washing windows at my old flat. And we had a family dinner on Saturday night which was great.

I get a lot more visitors at my new house, it's great! Mostly they are from my immediate family but that's still good.

Anyway I'd better go now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just good friends! Bah! I saw you eating out of her hand... literally!