Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ok here's my situation - which I'm guessing I'm not alone in - any songs or movies from my childhood I automatically love now, and am incapable of judging them in a non-biased way. You've probably all seen this phenomenom I'd guess every year or so you'll take in part in a conversation about good old 80s cartoons with all the other people a similar age to you. Well the difference here is while we all watched the same cartoons we didn't all get exposed to the same music or movies - this was something very much controlled by our parents. And for better or worse now I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside when listening to any of the following:
  • Queen (I'm not complaining about this one)
  • Deborah Harry
  • Tina Turner
  • The Carpenters (you should see me get excited when a Carpenters song comes on - Carpenters for me equals driving up to Marlborough for our family holidays).
  • Phill Collins
  • Paul Young
My Mum and Dad aren't huge music fans so it was mostly those on rotation - though they did have a few more records than that.

As for movies - well it was the ones we had on VCR that got played again and again - some I can't remember now but the whole inspiration for this post was a particular movie which I just happened to watch last night. It had been at least 14 years since I last watch this movie, probably more and I still knew almost every word. And all the dance moves. Yes when I was a kid I LOVED the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I watched it again and again, Ame and I listened to the CD and sang along - I don't think we ever went as far as acting it out thank god. But still. It is AWESOME.

I always wanted to be Magenta - I loved her hair. And I thought it was so funny how the men were wearing ladies underwear! And pearl necklaces! I of course had absolutely no idea what what really going on - but I'd still sing along with gusto "I'm a sweet tranvestive, from transsexual, transsylvania". And of course knowing the Time Warp came very handy at all those school discos, and then again many years later on a night out in the Bog or somewhere else that plays that damn good sing along at the top of your lungs dancing music.

So be warned if you live in Christchurch, and I like you a little bit, or even just vaguely know you, you may find an invitation coming your way for a Rocky Horror Picture Show themed birthday party next year!


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