Saturday, November 15, 2008

Earring Holder

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. Um I've been lazy! We had a FANTASTIC weekend with Rach and Greg it was so nice to catch up and just talk etc. Plus we learnt how to play Canasta which was really fun - I've always been a bit reluctant about card games my whole life really, it's a hangover from being an incredibly shy child and being too self conscious to do anything that I could do badly in infront of other people (this includes ALL sports). But anyway now I'm older and not shy anymore well it was such a fun night playing with them. Darren and I are going to play today to make sure we don't forget the rules!

This week I haven't done any baking just some truffle making but I didn't photograph those as they were incredibly easy and tasty and well quite a boring process to make really. They were chocolate rum and raisin - delicious! I think I can remember the recipe:

  1. Melt 50g butter with 100g chocolate
  2. Stir in half cup of icing sugar
  3. Add 1 tablespoon rum and 1 tsp cocoa power and 1/2 cup chopped raisins
  4. Stir in another half a cup of icing sugar
  5. Room into balls then roll in something nice like coconut
Oh the recipe was from the Edmonds cookbook, but I added the raisins to the recipe. I've made a LOT of truffles lately and these were just such a nice muxture to handle - didn't stick on your hands and rolled into balls very easily. Not messy at all. I have a feeling I will be making these a lot over the rest of my life.

Ok so onto something I do have a picture of. I've started packing to go home - yes that's right - BACK TO NZ YAY!!! Anyway part of this required some tidying and I decided once and for all to deal with my earring storage problem. So last night's project was making this:

I just LOVE being able to see all my earrings at once. I love earrings and would have more but often lose them (that might be a thing of the past given my new holder!

Here are some cute skulls Darren got me:

And these are my two favourite pairs of sparkly earrings, the tops danglies are from Mum and Dad and the bottom ones (which really need a clean) were a birthday present from Darren:


1 comment:

amy said...

Hey, that is a cool earring holder! The one you made and gave to me didn't survive too well going up to Welly and back so Maybe I should make one like this. I hardly ever wear earrings anymore tho- too lazy!