Monday, February 05, 2007

Honey I'm Home....

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year! I know I know, it's February... but I've been in a coma since December so that's why I haven't posted. I fell off a molehill and banged my head on a toadstool. Ok so that wasn't true. But at least it was all spelled correctly. There's nothing worse than a misspelled lie.

So I had a fantastic Christmas. And New Years was a non-event.

My hair is now blonde again. Ok so three weeks of holiday = bored Mindy = her hair changes colour. Now it's really light, kinda like Marilyn Monroe, well that's what I was going for anyway! It's amazing the different responses I've had to it, quite a few people don't like it and I've been surprised with how forthright they are about coming out with it. The worst was the cleaner at work said "Oh dear did you have a fight with the bleach bottle". After that I vowed not be nice to her and say good morning every morning, but I felt too mean doing that so I've just been acting normal. On the other hand I think some people genuinely like it, and the rest probably just tell me it looks good because they are polite and I have no idea at all what they think.

Also hello to the other Mindy who commented here! I've never met another Mindy before... so that was very exciting. It's not a particularly common name in NZ really. It's more American. To those who don't know my real name is Melinda, but I was called Mindy from birth. Mum and Dad got the name from 'Mork and Mindy' apparently but a lot of what Dad tells me is not 100% true. I answer to the following nick names:

- Mindy (most people call me this)
- Mindy Moo (Dad calls me this, and Helen has been known to as well)
- Minnie Moo (hmmm not sure maybe Amy and Claire call me this)
- Minnie Minnie Moo Cow (Amy calls me this)
- Minds (not pronounced minds as in great minds think alike, but more like the first syllable of Mindy with an s on the end, oh most people in my family call me this).
- Min (Lara calls me this)
- Minnie (Claire and Amy call me this)

That's probably it. Not very interesting but I'm beginning to realise Mindy is quite flexible. Amy on the other hand gets called Ame or Amy and that's all, and Claire gets called Clairey by me, used to be called Claire Fairy when she was younger, and I'm trying to remember to call her Hairy Fairy now instead.

So this year my goal is to have as good a year as I did last year :) I'm still just at my job here at Jade and that's going well, still living with Darren and that's going well, still biking and running a bit and they are both going well. So pretty much I just need to not stuff anything up... should be manageable! Though I don't do New Years resolutions as I think anytime is a good time for self improvement. Although I kind did make one which was to keep my house tidier especially the kitchen and I've been doing that so far, it's so nice having a tidy house!

Right one and all are welcome to comment or not. But hi anyway, and thanks for stopping by. I'll post some photos soon (maybe one of Darren bungy jumping if he lets me!).


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