Sunday, November 19, 2006

Random Stuff about me

hello everyone
I havent got much news these days as all im doing is school work (E.g photography) and eating and sleeping. i have no where near the exciting news amy and mindy have about their umbrellas and earring holders.

i am currently trying to study for a media studies exam i have 2morro afternoon and a classics exam on tuesday. sadly i find studying for classics easier than for media so i am lagging behind in my media topics.

But i have some exciting news, school has finished for me! just have the external exams and that is it! it was very sad this week at the leavers assembly, everyone was crying. but we still have the lunch in a few weeks so that should be good!

hmm.. any other news i can well someone lit our school on fire with fireworks. it was $30 000 worth of damage. they found out who it was because stupidly the guy taped himself doing it on his phone and sent it to his ex girlfriend who then went to the police. what a dumb bum!

that is all from me!


amy said...

hey claire, don't be sorry you don't have umbrella issues, it has resulted in many sleepless nights for me!

isn't classics fun? arent you pleased i told you take it?

Clairey Fairy said...

yes i loooovvvveee classics but im not pleased that you told me to take economics! that subject is yuck!

amy said...


and I agree, mega yuck