Monday, August 02, 2010

I'm back... again!

Hello World!

I've decided that I'm going to blog again. It's going to be cathartic. I'm mostly just doing it because I like the word cathartic and wanted to use it.

Here are some other words I like:

vamoose (ok I'm not sure that's a real word but we'll let it slide)

Actually - wait - I've decided this blog is now going to be have a bit of a health and exercise and baking focus. Ok not the most natural mix but hopefully it'll all make sense shortly! It'll probably still have other stupid and funny stuff too.

I think I'll start all that tomorrow though. Today is just for saying... stay tuned for more!


Beth said...

Good to see you back in the world of blog again, I love to read your posts. Looking forward to what else you have to share.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Hope you keep it up - I love having lots of bloggy friends!