Thursday, August 12, 2010

Having a baby - Part 2

Sorry if you tuned into read some more about health/diet(yuck)/weight loss stuff. Saving that one for tomorrow. Today instead I thought I'd write part 2 of having a baby. I recently read what I wrote in February when my wee monkey was just a tiny tot and had a wee chuckle at how much things have changed!

Having a Baby - Part 2 - 7 months on

Wo ho ho. Here we go. First an update on February's 7:

  1. The being a better housekeeper thing has definitely passed - my toilet needs cleaning - there is a bucket of reusable nappies that need washing in the laundry - I'm pretty sure we haven't vacuumed this week.

  2. Breastfeeding does get easier and can be pleasant but just when you think you've got it down bubby might start doing any of the following to make it not so pleasant again:
    • Biting
    • Pulling
    • Yanking
    • Poking
    • Laughing at your exposed breast (it happens!)

  3. Coffee consumption is back to a reasonable level in my house again.

  4. I never forget to eat now :o)

  5. I still hide in the shower... everyone needs a nice noisey shower with a bathroom door you can close!

  6. No longer hear crying all the time two reasons:
    • Baby can't be heard through three closed doors
    • More importantly baby cries less now

  7. Unfortunately bubs is only slightly less dumb about sleeping.

  8. New gems:

  9. You start finding some things enjoyable that everyone else thinks are totally grotty. For example when bubs grabs a fist full or hair in each hand and yanks their face towards yours then with dribble flowing from their mouth they start sucking your chin. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "Gross!". What me as a mother thinks "Aw baby kisses!" (I know I'm just delusional).

  10. Poo can be exciting. It can be a nightmare too. But the exciting poo is the poo you get to while it's all contained in the nappy and hasn't leaked out onto clothes/beddings/carpet - there is a sense of relief - "well we survived today's poo and don't need to worry about it again for hopefully at least 24 hours!". As bubs gets older thankfully more poo falls into that category.

  11. Thunder thighs aren't necessarily a bad thing - they can be downright gorgeous!

  12. No matter how much you promise yourself you will never be "one of those mums" you will. There is nothing you can do about it. You will find yourself grabbing the phone to ring everyone to tell them about your baby's great new trick - oh by the way did I mention how clever Joshua is (teehee) he can click his tongue - I'm pretty sure he's trying to speak Xhosa

  13. Sorry to keep up with the toilet theme but farts are funny. Baby farts are just cute, they are, they still stink but they're also hilarious so it makes up for it.

  14. Sleep isn't that important really. (Actually that's a big fat lie - unfortunately no matter how often I tell myself that it's still not true).

  15. Lastly - one just doesn't feel like enough...


Anonymous said...

hee hee. I love dribbly baby "kisses" too. And you make absolutely gorgeous ones Mindy, so I would say you're right, one ISN'T enough...better get cracking on the next! haha

Kylie said...

I love baby kisses!!! And chubby thighs! and while we are on the topic who ever thought they would ever pull big booggers outta someone elses nose and not mind!! (not my till i had kids lol)
And no, 1 or even 2 isnt enough, but we will no when we are finish right..?

Anonymous said...

Yes so much does change when having a baby and I can say I am def one of those my baby will never but does mum. Good reading and I love dribble kisses and thunder thighs.

Beth said...

Oh yes aren't babies so cute, especially when they aren't yours and you get to give them back, go home and have some sleep - aah bliss. Hmm "one isn't enough" insert comment about more than one teenager lol.

Lyndy said...

i fully concur with all of these Mindy! :D Especially the baby kisses :D