Monday, April 28, 2008

Me, Right Now

One of those questiony things taken from Claire's blog:

me, right now!
1. A morning person? Yup!
2. Are you a perfectionist? Nope, in some things (onto the 5th time starting on Eloise's cardie, but generally good enough is good enough)
3. Single? Nope
4. Currently suffering from a broken heart? Nope
5. Okay styling other people's hair? Depends on the style, I did some Bridget's hair beautifully once I remember.
6. Left handed? Sure am!
7. Shy around the opposite gender? Not really relevant hehe I think this question is more for teenages. But I guess just answer the damn question - the answer is no. Well no more than I'm she around anyone!


1. Bite your nails? Nope never
2. Currently regret something that you have said? Oh definitely... can't think of something specific, but I often say things I regret in the middle of arguments.
3. Curse frequently when you get mad? Nope, I don't swear much at all.
4. Enjoy smoothies? Especially mango, or banana and mango!
5. Enjoy talking on the phone? Yup especially to Mum and Dad, but I wish I felt comfortable calling more people more.
6. Have a pet? Only Becky back in NZ
7. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person? Don't think so
8. Have all your grandparents? No :( I haven't had all of them since I was 2, have just one now.
9. Have at least one sibling? 2 wonderful sisters who are my best friends.
10. Have Caller I.D. on your phone? Is this question from before the time of cell phones? I do on my cell phone but not on my landline.


1. Slept in bed with you? Darren
2. Saw you cry? Darren
3. Went to the movies with you? Darren
4. You went to the mall with you? Darren
5. You went to dinner with? Darren, Rach, Greg, Susannah and Cory
6. You talked on the phone? Dad
7. Made you laugh? Darren


1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue, except I wouldn't want it to damage my teeth
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole
4. Die in a fire or drown? Drown


1. Flowers or candy? Flowers... it's been AGES since I've gotten flowers.
2. Colour or Black? Colour
3. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise, though hardly ever see that, I see the sunset here frequently and it's so beautiful.
4. M&Ms or Skittles? I don't know! Um probably M&Ms
5. Staying up late or waking up early? Wake up early


1. Do you like anyone? Yup
2. Do they know it? Yup (haha these are teenager questions again)


1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. Left or right? Left
3. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? I have 10 best friends!
4. Sun or rain? Sun at the moment because I'm sick of staying inside - but I love the rain a lot
5. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate if it's by itself, vanilla if it's a side
6. Vodka or Jack? Jack


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I cut it before I cook it, and twirl it when I eat
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? No
3. Favorite ice cream? Phish food
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? Only one at the moment - porridge!
5. What's your favorite beverage? Mango and banana smoothie
6. Do you cook? Yup


1. Had a b/f or g/f? yes
2. Bought something you didn't need? yes
3. Sang in front of people? no
4. Been kissed? yes
5. Been hugged? yes
6. Felt stupid? no
7. Missed someone? yes - all the time
8. Danced Crazy? don't think so, wish I had though
9. Gotten your hair cut? no
10. Cried? yep
11. Lied? oh yup, but just a white lie

Ok looks like that's it. My sore throat has now come back, I think I'll have no voice tomorrow when I wake up - it feels like it's been disappearing all day!


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