Sunday, March 04, 2007


Ah ha! My devious plan of posting more frequently to increase the traffic on my blog has started working. I've been looking at my visitor stats and the numbers are growing. Go on spread the word! Although not many people are commenting. Andrew apparently is getting the internet soon so I'm sure that is all about the change!

So I had a fantastic weekend. On Saturday Darren and I went for a run, I hardly ever run on Saturdays because I'm not motivated enough. So this was a good achievement. Then we went to watch some of a water-skiing tournament that was on at Lake Crichton. It was so fantastic to watch. We just watched the men's jumping finals, where they have to ski up a ramp and jump for as far as they can. I was astounded by how far they could jump! Over 60m! They also have a water ski school at Lake Crichton, so I'm thinking of looking into that. I'm sure I could jump off a ramp, maybe not as large a ramp as these guys were doing but still. Watch this space, I may become a professional water skier right before your eyes! If only Dad hadn't sold their boat, oh well, I'll just have to buy my own.

Sunday I did the grocery shopping which is always fun. It's like spending money that I don't have to feel guilty about. And then I tidied and cleaned and tidied and cleaned some more. My house is spic and span now I can wait to go home and bask in the cleanliness.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend too!



Unknown said...

Ooh a professional water skiier, sounds like fun. I don't think Im skilled enough to do water skiing it requires balance and hanging off the end of a boat! Although I would like to get into surfing, I know this also requires balance but it does not require high speed!
Have a good day everyone. :)

Andrew said...

What Mindy asks for, Mindy gets!

Hello everyone. I have finally unraveled the mysteries of getting internet in England.


Mindy said...

Thanks Andrew you are a superstar!

Clairey Fairy said...

hi andrew

do u remember me? im claire ur cousin who u travelled all the way to england just to see u!!! i know, im amazing.

anway i was remembering how funny u were the other day when i was watching the video. i hope all ur camels are well.