Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fire Engine!

Here's a picture of the fire engine, back at the scene of the fire a good 12 hours after the were first called! You can see on the very left some of the huge pile of magazines that were surrounding their garage that the firemen had to pull out of the garage. How boring and young am I that a fire engine excites me. Oh well.

That is all for today. Sorry!


amy said...

that is exciting
thrilling perhaps

me personally, i like street cleaners and they are far more common which is all good :)

Mindy said...

This week it was postponed till Thursday. But I warn you I'm not up to another 85 questions today! So ask anything you want :-)

Anonymous said...

This question is for Nick

Is it true what they say about men and detachable shower heads?

LaraCroft said...

What are you talking about detachable shower heads for?