Monday, July 06, 2009

Stargate Cake

Hi All,

It's been ages!

Anyway I made Darren a stargate cake for his birthday :) It was shiny... see:

Here is the event horizon, if case you are wondering I hand painted a sheet of fondant with blue food colouring to get the graduated blue. Then I covered the bottom of a dish with playdoh, covered that in gladwrap and then made a lot of indentations for the texture of the event horizon, then I set jelly in it - put the jelly and the fondant together to get my event horizon.

I covered the cake in black fondant which I spent ages making by dying brown fondant black and then made a ring of chocolate cake and covered that in gray fondant for the actual gate.

I then painted the whole thing with silver paint mixed with a little black, then I scratched in the stargate symbols and put the message for Darren round the outside. The gap down the bottom was where the candles went :)

Lesson learned: the jelly started to disintergrate the fondant (you can see if looks a bit messy round the edges) in the future I would assemble the cake as late as possible, in this cake I assembled it a day or so before it was being eaten.

Ok bye!

p.s. Lots of other stuff has happened like I got married etc but I decided just to focus on the cake for this post :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nat and I think that is an AWESOME cake! Well done Mindy and Happy Birthday Daren