Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Refusing to be perturbed by the lack of comments on my last post I have decided to write another.

So anyway exciting things happening this week:

- Sardar started at work. I'm finding it fine sharing an office. Especially when it's just a kick ass office.
- Also in work news we had a training session today which was really fun... like being back at uni, except more fun.
- Sad news my Uncle is in hospital with a virus. He's going to be ok but has to be on a drip for two weeks.
- Happy news Darren and I are having our house warming next Saturday!
- It's Nick's actual birthday on Saturday... he's going to have a super fun party at Adam's house.
- Lara's coming to Christchurch this weekend too! And she'll be going to Nick's birthday... yay!
- Also Mike's having a going away party on Saturday night also so it'll be two parties in one night.
- It was Valentines Day yesterday. We had a lovely dinner at home (I cooked my first roast chicken) and it was just a super nice evening.

I think that's about it.

Oh yeah Adam the fish is doing really well now. I was worried about him for awhile as he had torn fins and hung out around the heater but he seems really perky now. Nick is fat as always. And Kirsty the shark is SO fat. He's the fattest fish I've ever seen. I've got photos of them so I'll post them up soon.

Love to all,


1 comment:

LaraCroft said...

Hi Mindy!

Yah I'll be in chch tonight! I will ring you tomorrow.... you might want to text me your flat phone number - i know the last four digits but the first three I think are 351 (in fact I have no idea) but if they're not I will just be embarrassed as I talk to some random person....

Sharing an office is so cool. I don't know what I'd do if I had one to myself - either start talking to myself or go stark raving mad. Although we have IM so that helps.