Saturday, September 27, 2008

Stuff and Things


Ok I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been reading a lot more blogs lately though so that's encouraged me to get back into it a little bit more. It's funny as I think I've said before when things aren't going well I don't generally feel like blogging but this hasn't been the case lately - things have been really great for ages - maybe it's just that I've been distracted by my hobbies.

Ok so firstly Amy and I have become obsessed with cakes and cake decorating, which has also led me to the discovery of some awesome cupcake blogs too! These are the sites I've been frequenting:
I was even inspired to make some cupcakes today. They didn't come out quite round as I don't have muffin tins to cook them in so they sort of had to keep their shape in the cases by their close proximity to each other. It worked pretty ok, I'll just have to make sure I don't fill them too full. Can't wait till I get back to New Zealand to all my baking trays etc. Also I think I'll need to buy a cake mixer too.

Also just when you thought I couldn't get anymore geekier or home-maker-ly-er I've taken up embroidery. I've so far done two little blackwork designs, one from a book I got out from the library and one I designed myself. I've always thought that cross stitch etc was a bit silly as there was no creativity in it as you were just following a pattern - but I must admit you do have to be neat and it is so rewarding to see the work progress... I'm addicted. Plus also of course there is the challenge of creating your own design.

So of course I've been neglecting my knitting and my French has suffered immeasurably for several months. But I am hoping to get back to it.

In other news Darren and I are now almost coutning down till we go back to NZ. I am really looking forward to it so much. We're going to love the last few months we're having here but I really am ready to come home. I've got lots to come home to - meeting Eloise, Christmas with family, meeting all the new people at work, the new building at work, my bike, doing some bike and running events in Christchurch etc etc.

Hope everyone else is also well and happy!



amy said...

Yay! I am counting down the days until you are back too! It's going to be awesome. I am making cupcakes tomorrow night- I am going to try those Martha Stewart chocolate ones- I hope I don't put on too much weight this week (but it's my birthday so I guess it's ok ;-) )

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

If you can find aluminum cupcake wrappers, they hold their shape a little better then the paper ones. That might help with your lack of proper pans! ;)