Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well today I vacuumed. It may not immediately be obvious why this is blog worthy news, so I'll explain. I have no vacuumed since we've moved into our apartment! Yes that's right. Sad I know. But a vacuum cleaner was last on our priority of things to buy... in fact we still haven't bought one. Someone in our building threw one away so I nicked it out of the garbage - what can I say it was perfectly fine, just missing the floor piece. Today I bit the bullet and bought a new floor piece. So I can conclude we hopefully have less carpet mites than we did yesterday, and the apartment looks much nicer and tidier too!

In other news Darren and I went out for a lovely Italian meal.

Ok bed time now.

Good night!


Živko Kondić said...

Hahahaha, wasn't expecting this :D

Kudos, kudos!!! Wait...people just throw out a perfectly good vacuum-cleaner??? In Serbia, that vacuum-cleaner would las three generations :D

Funny blog :D

Mindy said...

Yeah people over in the UK are crazy! In New Zealand I was using a vacuum cleaner that was older than me (and drove a car that was older than me too!).

Thanks for visiting my blog :)