Wednesday, November 14, 2007

About Me Version 2

I was looking through my old blogs and I wrote 50 interesting facts about myself in August 2005. How times have changed. I'll write the same facts though make them true now and then below that paste the original facts then people can spot the difference!

November 2007:

1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but have bought less than 10 in the past three years
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I have my full driver's licence!
15. I have lived most of my life in Christchurch New Zealand, but now live in Doncaster, United Kingdom
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch and my cousins Kirsty and Andrew are two of my best friends)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I LOVE porridge
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I go to the gym or go for a run every single weekday at lunchtime with some workmates.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2007 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (8 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch Everybody love Raymond because I don't like watching news in the morning and that's the only thing that's on.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have one scar on my leg that I got from a burn caused from sap of a giant hogweed reacting with uv ray
35. I am addicted to diet coke and coke zero and trying to cut down
36. I like peas, but they're not my favourite vegetable
37. I do like apples! But I like them more when they are cut up.
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my engagement ring.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am over my fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)

And finally....

50. I have over 30 pairs of shoes

August 2005:

1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but haven't bought any in the past 8 months
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have never kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I only have my restricted drivers license (I have had it for over 3 years now!)
15. I have lived my whole life in Christchurch
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school.
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch, and I flat with my two wonderful cousins Kirsty and Andrew)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I also love porridge.
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I try to go to the gym every morning, in reality I end up going about three mornings a week.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2005 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (6 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch the Wild Thornberries because I love it.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have no scars.
35. I am addicted to diet coke and trying to cut down.
36. I hate peas! But I don't really mind the taste of them.
37. I also hate apples... I just don't like them!
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my Ovation Guitar.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am getting over a fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)

And finally....

50. I have over 17 pairs of shoes

1 comment:

Lyndy said...

what a fantastic idea! and its really funny to see whats changed and what hasn't in the last 2 years :D