Well since I can't be bothered actually going and looking up facts for each of these bands, I'm just going to say what I think it right and it might not be - but that does not mean I am lying! Ok?
The Mars Volta are an absolutely mind-blowing band. They are relatively young compared to the other bands on my top 5 (in terms of how long they've been around, not how old they are, although they are also personally younger than ther others but that's not really the point).
I first came across the Mars Volta when they were touring with the Chili Peppers which I think happened in 2002 but I can't be bothered coutning backwards on my fingers but anyway they were getting booed of the stage by dumb ass Chili Peppers fans. John apparently loved the band so of course I had to listen. And they were great. When I first heard them they didn't have an album out, just the Tremulant EP with 3 songs on it, and they were awesome. Their music is very alternative, um hard to explain, there's a technical term for it but I can't remember. It's not soft anyway, and has a lot of Latin influences as the band is from Southern America, and one of the members was born in Puerto Rico.
Another thing woth noting about the Mars Volta is they were absolutely MIND BLOWING live. I was so incredibly lucky to see them twice. Once in their own concert where they played an amazing set which was their first album from start to finish with some jams and new bits mixed in. It was the more incredible thing to watch, the singer Cedric really put his entire heart into the show. The second time was the day after at the Big Day Out, and despite that and the necessity for a shorter set they still did themselves extremely proud.
:-) M
are you going to write about queen minnie?
Yeah I know they're not your cup of tea Nick :-) But that's fine... each to his own.
I probably won't be writing about Queen Amy, not this week anyway. You've got to remember I've only got two spots left and there's two very important bands who I haven't done yet.
Can anyone guess which two bands they are?
the backstreet boys and five would be my favourites
Yeah the Mars Volta don't really get much/any radio play because they're not conventional radio songs... lots are long and with movements and stuff. Anyway I've put the first album in my transfer folder which is shared on the Jade network, cnwmdm1 if you want to listen to them one day, unfortunately some of the songs were copied off CD really badly.
And Andrew and Adam both good guesses, but neither were completely right.
Led Zepplin and RHCP?
Oh, and Queen is a VERY important band minnie mouse!
Amy - you are correct.
RHCP will be #1
Led Zepplin #2
How presumptuous!
Not really.
Unless LZ has been promoted to #1, which I give a 5% chance of happening.
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