Tonight is finally the night Andrew is making tuna (although Kirsty cooked very yummy tea last night) and I'm not even going to be home for tea! Oh cruel fate!
That's all I wanted to say. Oh and my new shampoo smells really nice (it's Garnier Fructus or something) and also Adam is an updating god at the moment!
:-) M
ps Nick (or others) if you have any questions feel free to ask, it is ask Mindy day.
Well Mindy, I am mostly doing it for you. You can still have some...
For lunch? It is good for lunch.
I know Andrew! I know!
Well maybe if Janet or Hamish offer to cook you could accept their offer. But otherwise I will happily enjoy it for lunch.
I would just like to say that two people are talking right outside my office and have been for at least half an hour and it is VERY annoying. If I was a bit bitchier I would just go and shut my door... but I don't want to give such an obvious message. I will shut it as soon as they leave tho. That's for sure!
They both have offices on this floor why do they have to talk outside mine???
yes its called paranoia
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