It's lucky that today is Led Zeppelin because well I'm too tired to write anything much, and Led Zeppelin really doesn't need anything written about them! They are the only one of my top 5 I haven't seen live and never will (for obviously reasons). They are so so so so so great, and I just can't emphasize that enough. They are also a band I love completely without any emotional biases towards them. It's almost like a fact that they are brilliant, not just my opinion.
Also I have all the albums so if anyone needs to borrow any let me know.
:-) M
Bloody el! We've got gingernuts in the biscuit tin at work again. Someone doesn't like me I can tell.
even coda?
Yup haven't listened to it as much as some of the others tho
how about the BBC sessions?
Um I can't honestly remember. I think I so.
To clarify though, I don't have every CD just every studio album. Eg I definitely have Led Zeppelin 1 through to Coda, plus How the West Was Won, I think the BBC Sessions too but that's all.
coda isn't really a studio album- it is more of a complilation
Yup :-) But it's a compilation from back before I was born as opposed to the more recent ones.
Anyway who are you Thomas?
queen is a good band too
you should write about that
Yes they are... but they're not one of my personal top 5 which is why I won't. Well not this week anyway. :-)
So who are you?
You have the BBC sessions. I remember copying.... er playing it.
Awesome. I rock!
oh crap
my cover is blown
We could tell by the overpowering stench of cabbage and wood shavings.
I think he is a tank engine.
I just went and bought some lining at lunchtime for the skirt I'm making. So I went back to Haralds because I've decided I really like it there. And this lovely lady served me, and when she she my name was Melinda (from my visa) we had a chat about her daughter who is named Melinda too!
Anyway I have never actually met in person anyone else called Melinda. Weird eh? If anyone is called Melinda come comment on my blog! There must be others out there.
Here is my list of 3 recording artists that you probably have not heard of but should at your next possible convenience:
- Zero7
- Gomez
- Badly Drawn Boy
It was 5, but I couldn't remember any more.. I should really bring my music to work...
what a loser
who can you possibly say that?
You don't rate Led Zep?
I mean.
They are dynamic, raw, revolutionary and genuis's at every level.
Haha that's funny. I like Led Zeppelin because someone told me to, not because I actually like them. I mean I don't know enough about music to decide for myself what I like. Good thing I do have these people telling me what to like and what not to like... because otherwise I'd be up shit creek without a paddle.
And you know what it's just huge propaganda that SO many people over so many decades have rated them. It's not because they are actually truly talented and have been musical inspiration to so many musicians that followed them people who actually know and live music. I guess all those people are just like me and we don't know what we like until we're told we should like it.
Also I'd love to really give Pink Floyd a good listen... but now I can't because if I do Nick will say I'm only doing it because I was told to.
My god the humanity! ;-)
Oh and Adam I can keep a secret.
Really? That's very exciting!
Good luck for it!!
Also are you going to be at Food Friday?
Also I'm very happy to hear you like Led Zep and Pink Floyd.
Um I know it's something heavy. There's a part of me that thinks Metallica is the right answer but a part of me that isn't sure and thinks it may be something more like Tool. Also I'm sorry if I put the wrong number of ls in Metallica - I'm not perfect.
Well I guess I'll just stick with Metallica then.
Is it just me, or am I seeing A LOT of hipsters wearing 1977 Led Zep black concert T-shirts lately?
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