For everybody who doesn't already know this is Darren. He gets a nice big picture because he's so tall, actually he's not really that tall at all. He just gets a big picture anyway. It's one of the perks of being the blogmaster's boyfriend ;-) Anyway I just thought I'd put a picture of him up because he's gorgeous and I adore him. And his eyelashes are so beautiful and I thought I should share that with everyone. Plus he's been such a wonderful boyfriend lately so there you go. Actually everyone who does know him can just skip this. So this picture is actually from a year ago just before we went to a ball together, so that's why he's nicely dressed up. Anyway Darren and I have been together for um just over 1.5 years now. He's a builder, and he likes Kung Fu and watching movies and watching Kung Fu movies, and building stuff, and Stargate, and cornchips... and me! And we have our ups and downs but they're getting less uppy and downy as time goes on and evening out a bit :-)
So there you go now there's been pictures on my blog of two of the four main men of my life. They are: Dad, Darren, Andrew, and Nick. And you can all see Nick by going to his website (just on the right there). And well Andrew - one day I'll get a picture of him. Also on that topic Andrew makes YUMMY tuna pasta bake and I love it so much that I get hungry just thinking about it, and he's making it for tea tonight and so now I am forever in his debt.
Also I'd just like to say everyone who doesn't like/love Stargate you should watch it because it's great. Although I know that's a bit hard as it's not on TV at the moment. But I can probably hook you up ;) Also I watched this week's episode of Scrubs last night... I think it's the last of the season sob sob sob :( Anyway it was pretty funny you should all make sure you watch it when it's on tomorrow.
:-) M
I didn't lie! I never lie!
I said he wasn't tall at all, isn't that the same thing?
But he's not really short! You are in a unique position where you're not allowed to judge people as short so there :-P
You need some eyebrow gel. And a little comb. It'll sort that rogue brow out a treat!
Failing that, yank the little bugger out.
Gaaaa yourself! The average male height is 5'8" to 5'10" and I personally consider anyone who is average to be average, anyone shorter than average to be short (or just shortish if they are shorter but close to average) and tall if they are above average (or tallish if they are above but close to average). Therefore as Darren is definitely within the average range he is not short. So :-P
And it's about time you updated!
Well I got it from the University of Auckland library statistical sources. One source from there was "Life in New Zealand : commission report. 1991. S2/NZ SOCilc v.5" the other was "Profiling New Zealanders: 1997 anthropomorphic norms. 2001. S2/NZ HEAa." The first said average height was 175cm, the second 175.3cm.
1.75 m = 5.7414 ft (decimal)
= 5' - 8 9/10" (feet, inches and tenths-of-an-inch) which is pretty much the same as 5'8" to 5'10".
I hope this answers your question.
Hi Adam, no that doesn't mean that at all! Infact, personally I would probably consider someone who is only 2.3cm shorter than average to be pretty much average. I'm sure I will be met with dsagreement about this.
Also the average height for women was something like 162cm, so you're still like 10cm taller than the average woman!
Um because short people are cool.
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