1. I want to know if women lie about their beast size like men lie about their height? (BHN)
Dear Nick, What a cryptic question. Would I be right in thinking I should substitute "beast" with "breast" and "height"... with... er... um. Well anyway first I will answer your question as it reads. I have never lied about my beast size. I have no reason to, my beast is of perfectly average size, and though his size if a little hard to tell as he is covered with purple fur (with orange spots) you can pretty much tell how big he is just by looking.
Now to answer the question assuming you mean breasts. Well. Hmm. To be honest I am not the right woman to answer this question. Instantly I would said "no that's a stupid thing to do because all anyone needs to do is look at you and they can tell you're lying", but then I thought about it a little more. And I realised that some women do buy those big padded bras, or those water ones and even if they don't directly lie about their breast size, that is sort of an indirect lie. So I guess my answer is: woman who are happy with their breast size don't, woman who aren't happy and want to be bigger might. Sorry I can't give a more decisive answer than that.