Well the Red Hot Chili Peppers are my favourite band in the world (still). I'm not going to say they are the best or anything like that as I know I like them for more than just their musical talents, but they are extremely talented musicians.
My first encounter with the Peppers came in my last year of high school. I was shopping with Kim and maybe someone else for CDs for Uma's birthday (we were getting her a Live album) and anyway I decided to buy myself a CD at the same time, I was tossing up between the Distance to Here (Live) and Californication (Peppers) just because I'd heard Scar Tissue on the radio and been teaching myself to play it on the guitar. Anyway I chose Californication and fell head over heels in love with the album, and soon the band as well. (Don't worry I've got the Distance to Here now as well).
So I was totally hooked and I needed more. Fast. My next purchase was Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Well actually my Daddy bought it for me :-) However, he wouldn't let me have it until after bursary exams were over.... but I made it through and then got it and LOVED it! It is still probably my favourite album ever. I'm glad that back when I was building my Peppers CD collection I was poor because it meant I really thoroughly listened to an album before moving onto the next one. So yeah then I got One Hot Minute for Christmas, and the following year finished up the collection with Mother's Milk, Freaky Styley, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Uplift Mofo Party Plan. I now have a lot more than that too.
Interesting fact: one of my requirements for dating someone is they have to not hate the Chili Peppers. When I met Darren I asked him two questions before giving him my phone number
1) Do you drive, and do you have a car?
2) Do you hate the Chili Peppers?
Luckily for him he passed both questions :-) I'm not shallow really, but it would just be too hard to make the relationship work if either of those two were the wrong answer.
Side note: I had a wonderful evening last night. I went out with Fenia and Klava. We went to Dennys for dinner which was ok, and then to the Palms where we did a little shopping before going to see House of Wax. Which was a strange movie. It was kind of really stupid, but also good as well. So I'm very confused as to whether to recommend it or not.
:-) M