My walking is going well another walk done - 12.4km of the 80km now. I won't be going out walking tonight though as I'm going visiting with J! Poor J gets dragged around madly between 5 and 6 since I can't take him visiting during the day. At least I've started being stricter on myself and have been getting him home by 6 (or 6.15 at the latest) to begin his tea and bedtime routine.
So here's what's new(ish) with my gorgeous wee man:
- We now have a total of 4 teeth and maybe some more on the way judging by recent grizzliness and wakefulness.
- Up up up! All he wants to do is stand up holding things (like the coffee table) and once up bounce up and down giving his Nana a heart attack as she thinks he's going to hit his head mid bounce.
- Pointing apparently is the new in thing - not at things in the distance but at really close things - like Mummy's nose, a crumb on the floor. Clapping is sadly out - he doesn't do that so much anymore that was super cute!
- We're practising reading books - at the moment I get maybe 1 maybe 2 pages done before Joshua grabs the book and tries to eat it. As I think we should be starting to think about limits I try not to let him do this but instead hold the book further away which sometimes works.
- We have recently rediscovered the joy of baby-wearing so often now for quick mall trips J will go on my back instead of the buggy - much easier for manoeuvrings.
- Hehe I've figured out if you comb his hair in a certain way after washing it then that style will hold till the next time it's washed. He therefore often ends up with a Tintin-esque front flip.

I love every second I get with my wee guy - finally when he hit about 8 months I had the baby I thought I was going to get when he was born. He started sleeping better at night, he started lying still in our arms for cuddles, started falling asleep in the car instead of screaming every trip. I think I get to appreciate it all the more now though for having 8 months of the other!