Anyway I have decided today (and possibly many days) I am going to talk about health. I wanted to say weight loss, but I have to be careful as I don't think that's exactly what I want to talk about. Confused? So am I! But I'm going to tackle this dieting/weight loss/health problem once and for all!
Firstly some background.
I thought I came from a family who just had big bones. My parents were both not skinny. Their siblings also weren't skinny. And my siblings weren't skinny. My Mum dieted like a yo yo like so many women do and in our family we have a bit of an obsessive streak so there was one time I remember she was addicted to exercise and did actually get really skinny but other than that time we were all largish (but short). Anyway now I have a skinny Mum and a skinny sister and I've been skinny myself so the "big bones" argument doesn't really fly. In fact I have quite petite bones (skinny wrists) but I do still claim to have a big frame with broad shoulders and big ribs.
Anyway I grew up being probably slightly heavier than my peers and the gap grew as I got older. Looking back to my intermediate school photos now I looked completely normal but at the time I felt big. When I was 13 I decided not to weigh myself again. Ever. And I didn't for maybe 12 years. I think that was actually a great decision - one of the few good ones I made in my adolescent years. Go me! (Actually I did make other good decisions just not weight related ones).
Ok so... gulp... lets take a look at the photographic evidence.
Phase 1: Growing up (and out)
4th Form - 13 years old well my shape isn't too bad just looks like I had more boobs than others.

7th Form - 16 years old this is typically how I saw myself, not really really fat but heavy.

Uni - Around 21 years old here I'd started running, so wasn't stick skinny but a size 12-14 I think.

Phase 2: Shrinking
Then... I lost weight. By not eating very much. And running. But mostly the not eating much part - running helped but it didn't shift the weight like not eating did. It worked. But it wasn't fun. Who goes to Paris on a work trip and sits in their hotel room eating a mini pottle of baked beans and an apple for dinner instead of going out and buying a pain au chocolat? Me. That's who. Anyway more on that later.
Malta - 26 years old (You'll notice my skinny is no where near a Kate Moss skinny but skinny for me)

Greece - 26 years old

Phase 3: Ballooning
Ah I got pregnant. Remember how I didn't eat anything much in phase 2. Well you can't do that when you're pregnant. Not fair on bubby. So I started eating again. I didn't go nuts, but close to - suddenly I had an excuse to indulge myself in all those things I'd been denying myself for years, and not surprisingly I piled on the weight. I'd put on the same amount of weight in the first trimester that was recommended I gain the entire pregnancy.
Around 8 months - 27 years old

Around 8 months - 27 years old (this shows the first photo is just a pretty bad photo - but still it was a photo of me and the camera don't lie!).

Phase 4: ???
What do I looked like now I hear you ask? Ah well I conveniently don't have any photos ready today but I'll get onto that. Where to from here? That's what I plan to write about.
My goal: is to be able to eat whatever I want and be happy with the way I look.
I know I can do this and I'm going to concentrate on two areas:
1) Changing my attitude towards food so that what I WANT to eat is a healthy balanced diet
2) Changing my body image perception issues so I'm happier with a broader range of shapes and sizes for myself
Stay tuned!
I think your goals for yourself are great, Mindy! Changing your attitude towards food is so hard. I know because I'm struggling with it myself. I think you look fantastic in all your photos - you have a beautiful smile and natural beauty! And nothing beats that gorgeous round baby bump! Looking forward to following your progress.
Wow,I think its great that you are blogging again, and health is one issue which alot of people have an issue with. I bet heaps of people will tune in to keep up with your output. I know I will.
Love your blogs! You sound like me in high school, and dieting sucks! I'm so not in the right mindframe at the moment to diet so i'm still using the baby excuse.. 9months to gain, 9 months to lose right? So I still have 6 weeks..
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