Don't be embarrassed to look at me - I know my face is red and sweaty, my hair all fuzzy and I have sweat stains and look horrible but I'd still appreciate a "hello" and I'll give one back to you!
Dear Walker-Who-Gives-Me-Some-Encouraging-Words,
Thanks so much! I wish there were more people like you in NZ - there were more in the UK - but you are a very rare breed here! Your kind words give me a little boost and make me push that little bit harder!
Dear Overweight-Middle-Age-Lady-Beginner-Jogger,
You are doing so awesome. I hope you are really proud of your efforts you are amazing and I hope I'm out there jogging when I'm your age! I know it's really tough to start with but keep it up and you'll be improving in no time!
Dear Much-Faster-and-Fitter-Than-Me-Runner,
Thanks for smiling at me! It can get lonely out running and it's always nice to make contact with another runner. Seeing you with your nice big strides and good technique reminds me to check my own.
Dear Dog-Owner-Who-Doesn't-Pick-Up-Their-Doggy-Doo,
Yuck. Just yuck.
Dear Dog-Owner-Who-Does-Pick-Up-Their-Doggy-Do,
You rock, thanks!
Dear Guy-Wolf-Whistling-From-a-Car,
I know I should take offense. Your whistles are degrading - in fact your whistles may actually be ironic, you may be thinking "haha lets embarrass that fatty" but secretly I choose to be flattered. I choose to assume you're actually thinking "woah nice legs" because that's what I think when I see my legs in my shorts!
Yours Sincerely,
A Jogger
hehe i used to hate the wolf whistles but now i think they are totally flattering- it was when people laugh at me while I'm on my bike at the lights (yes I know i look like a dork with high vis vest and my jeans tucked into my dad's old socks that don't even match but at least i don't get my pants caught!!)
Awesome blog, just awesome. Come over on Saturday for a Bbq?
Great post Mindy! Secretly I take wolf whistles as a compliment too...except the only person wolf whistling at me these days is my husband when I am walking around the house in my undies with breast milk stains on my top. I think he is being ironic.
Love hearing that you love your legs! Beautiful to hear a confident healthy woman celebrating her body!
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