J and I tried to visit my Gran - his Great Gran - well we did visit but he cried and cried when we got there. I think he must have been scared - this was common for him a couple of months ago but this was clingy to the extreme. We ended up putting him in the car where he was instantly fine again and Gran and I had our catch up sitting parked up at the beach looking at the rain and waves while J dozed. Also eating an absolutely divine friand and brownie which we split - thanks Gran!
Mum and I have a regular Sunday morning bike ride and run date. It's actually becoming something I really look forward to now. As soon as J wakes we hop in the car and go round to Mum and Dad's. Mum and I will hop on our bikes and do half an hour or so, then another 20 minutes running - this is prep for this summer's triathlons. J gets to hang out with his Grandad which I think is really cool. I know those two are going to be best buddies! I was really happy for my Dad when J turned out to be a boy as Dad is such an amazing Dad to all three of us girls but he never got to do all that much "boy stuff" with us . Anyway they normally go for a walk in the park to feed the ducks and have a swing. We get back and J and I raid Mum and Dad's cupboards for breakfast (tee hee).
Ok well reading this back it doesn't seem like as bad a weekend as all that. I think it's the weather that has made me feel blah - it's been so cold and we've been spoilt lately with all the lovely warm weather!
80km challenge update - now up to - 11.1km! Not too late to join in.... :-D
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